Grow Cannabis – Jorge’s Garden Day 3 – by Jorge Cervantes

► Crazy Big Buds in a Closet CFL Grow Room
January 5, 2015
January 5, 2015

Jorge shares an update on the condition of his newly acquired cannabis strains. The plants start showing some improvement as they begin to acclimate to the outdoor conditions. Jorge allows…


  1. Make William says:

    Thank you Jorge for these informative videos you make. It is great to see
    someone share pro tips but in terms common pot smoker can understand. I
    feel bad only because i cant have nearly as much dope as you because
    reasons. As i grow older i wanna become at least as jorge as you. If every
    citizen on earth would be bit more jorgish world would be better place to
    grow dope.

  2. Jorge Cervantes says:
  3. billyuba says:

    My man! Thanks Jorge and or Zeke! Sharing this now!

  4. MrFaxolin says:

    Jorge querido,

    ¿Alguna vez notaste que una genética pierde fuerza a medida que es
    Porque llevo esquejando un híbrido por 6 generaciones y sigo teniendo
    buenos resultados!
    Gracias, saludos!

  5. JoshNortonalias says:

    Not that it matters, but i think Jorge is gay.
