Goat Simulator with Merlin

Herbin Farmer’s New White Widow Veg Room
June 21, 2014
Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2013 – Part 6
June 22, 2014

Goat Simulator with MerlinIt appears as if Soundrone’s loaner Goat “Merlin” loves Potato salad here ya go buddy !!! Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at For…


  1. Ray Garcia says:

    That goat looks cool sound 

  2. Colin Scott says:

    They like having goat friends

  3. Jebus | Insanity says:

    Ahh, goats. I had two when I was younger, my brother brought the first home
    randomly one night when he was still a baby goat. He behaved better than
    any of the 3 dogs I have now and he was one of the best pets I’ve ever had,
    as was the second. Can’t wait for more possible goat videos aha. I’m gonna
    send you a message on here tomorrow sometime about some business things I’d
    like to talk about if you have the time. Stay medicated, Soundman.

  4. Matthew Rubalcava says:


  5. Killedbycotton says:

    Goats like anything man

  6. Sound Experiments says:
  7. hankburlingame says:

    Thats sweet and all sound but……..where are his HOUSE PANTS!!!??

  8. Colin Scott says:

    First! My family has 3 goats.


    cruel to keep an animal in a cage that small.. let it roam.
