I went to an outdoor concert on Friday and got a few whiffs of marijuana. There was a guy 2 people away who smoked a joint. I took the drug test today. Will the pot show up in my test? I asked the technician at the testing place and she said it would but I wanted more opinions because it seems crazy that it would.
no, my husband is a police officer, he said he’s had classes on it and NO. it has been tried in studies and it only shows up if you smoke it he says
if you could smell it, it entered your system. It is very possible that it will show up
It could possibly show up, depends on how much your inhaled.
An outdorr concert? I doubt it. As long as you didn’t smoke it or weren’t in an enclosed room filled with smoke, you should be fine.
srry but idk srry once again i feel bad for u =(
i think likelihood is low since THC sticks to fat in the body, so low exposure wouldn’t subject your body to this. It really depends on just how close and how long you were next to the smoke. If you didn’t feel any effects from the smoke, you probably didn’t get a high enough exposure.
i live with a chronic smoker, though i don’t smoke at all and i’ve had to take tests. i always pass. The technician probably knows there is a chance, but the chance is pretty low and varies.
My cousin used a similar story when taking an employment drug test. (Her story was fiction as she really did smoke.) She had about 2 weeks warning before the test and quit smoking. The test was positive, but I guess the amount was small enough that the employer bought her story and she still has her job. There must be a threshold they look at for second hand exposure.
no. they test the blood. not your lungs. though if you breathed in alot then it will have been carried into your blood. hope you pass. also don’t eat poppyseeds before the tests so you don’t test positive for opium
Yes, if you get enough. THC is fat soluble and stays in your body tissues a long time. So its presence doesn’t show you’re stoned, like a positive alcohol reading. In the case of opiate tests, they’re now so sensitive that you can test positive after eating a bread roll with poppy seed glaze on it. About 20% of greenbacks test positive for hard drugs, and explosives tests are so sensitive that a lot of people who’ve never handled them test positive. Passive exposure is one of many arguments against widespread drug testing. Another is that many of them are inappropriate and unnecessary. Some airlines drug test all their staff. Fair enough for aircrew, but ticketing staff? Just another excuse for the bosses to invade your privacy and find out much more about your private life than they need to know.
heck if you gotta smoke do it but to bad for that was a dumb time to smoke it…it will my cousin failed his from two hits…lol…told him not to…
There well could be traces of it in your system, if you are not violated, when you take your next test they will see levels go down. Keep yourself out of these situations until you are no longer being tested. Better to miss a concert than be sitting in a jail cell.