Buiilding A Green House for under $100

AUTOFLOWERING Best Vines Compilation – September 22, 2014 Monday Night
September 24, 2014
Properly Curing Your Medical Marijuana Pot In Glass Jars For The Best Smelling Weed
September 24, 2014

Buiilding A Green House for under $100So the rain is coming and I needed to get Medi Haze and Astroyboy from getting rained on. This is the cheapest and fastest way to build a green house in less then 1 hr. Enjoy and learn how…


  1. h82bu223 says:

    Mikes a awesome dude …. 

  2. Johny R says:

    A gardeners work is never done. Good standard john,what ever it takes they
    will make it!

  3. Johny R says:

    A gardeners work is never done. Good standard john,what ever it takes they
    will make it!

  4. Alex Marion says:

    Looking very nice john cheers man

  5. jerimias weed says:

    Right on. Its good to see mike feeling well.

  6. Stikibits says:

    Height is pronounced like light, or might, or tight, or fight, or right,

  7. Harry W says:

    Hell yah that will be the deal , great idea guys !!

  8. ScumBob Harrell says:

    So awesome to see Mike feeling better & back in this video <3
    wish i was next door to help with the tent! 

  9. John Berfelo says: