The hidden side-effects of Colorado’s cannabis boom

Northern California Backyard Medical Marijuana Grow
December 11, 2013
Update from Mexico – Coconut Bong
December 12, 2013

The hidden side-effects of Colorado's cannabis boomRocky Mountain High: The dark side to the silver bullet of Cannabis legalisation For downloads and more information visit: Last November, Colorado…


  1. Billiam Benedict says:

    Australia better legalize Mary J soon or I’m moving to Colorado M’kay!

  2. wukilla11 says:

    wrong its the oil companies timber industry that want it illegal in the
    first place!

  3. Charles Norton says:

    the deaths are tied directly to the prohibition of cannabis, not the use.
    There will always be weak minded people with addictive issues, no matter
    what the drug. We do not need laws to protect us from ourselves. Take
    responsibility for your own actions. Parent your children and stop making
    excuses if you don’t. It’s easy to finger point, unless you are standing in
    front of a mirror.

  4. wukilla11 says:

    hemp is starting up again trillion dollar crop please recognize about hemp
    the male plant

  5. Jack Jones says:

    !st a Black president… The Legalised weeds… AMERICA IS BEING FUCKED>>>
    THAN ALCOHOL IS CERTAIN SUBJECT… THATS IT!! I have been smoking weed for
    15 years and it has not done any good for me!

  6. madcuntmcgee says:

    ‘rehab center for teenagers addicted to marijuana’ lol

  7. danogzilla says:

    Delcio, happy to see you made it through. hopefully the same can be said
    for FIFA 14 victims.

  8. dabran27 says:

    Kids shouldn’t smoke weed till 21 thats when your brain is fully developed
    and weed has no effects. Sell it in stores requiring id and kids can’t get
    it. dealers wont sell it. Prosecute adults for contributing to a minor like
    cigarettes. Simple as that. Alcohol kills your brain cells cannabis does
    not did he just say kids are dying from smoking weed 16:09 lol.The food we
    eat that gives us cancer is more toxic than cannabis.

  9. Marnick Hendriks says:


  10. Nathan Batten says:

    Addicted to Cannabis?! That’s Pure BULLSHIT!!!!

  11. allgoo19 says:

    Marijuana won’t be legal nationwide anytime soon. The private prisons need
    steady supply of prisoners. That’s the reason they lobby hard to keep it

  12. vencugar says:

    lets see 10 years down the line the how their twaty government cleans up
    after the mess from all those kids who are later adults with irreparable
    mental problems. The cost will be more dear then any tax will ever make up

  13. SwedeKillah says:

    Lungcancer and so on isnt very nice though…..

  14. gabriel cabanayan says:


  15. Silly Plants says:

    One last thing (sorry I’m pissed off at the ignorance). Cannabis has been
    used as a medicine in just about every culture for over 10,000 years. It
    was a medicine here in the US not too long ago either. 10,000 years vs not
    even a 100 years…hhmmmm

  16. vanPoll says:

    Aaron Huey is so sad and so shocked that he makes a living and a good buck
    out of some mentally unsettled people.

  17. Kev42o says:


  18. ClarksonsinUSA says:

    If one wants to feel better ,exercise…I feel so much better after a 30
    mile ride on my 24 speed Diamond Back,and its a natural way for the body to
    feel better..But any type of exercise ,is better than looking for some
    substance to make you feel better that does not come from the body…

  19. LordTaFurious says:

    That rehab guy is such an asshole. “Kids are dying and suffering.” Dude, no
    one has died from cannabis you uneducated fool. The only reason kids are
    being sent to these rehab facilities is because of retarded parents who
    have no idea on how to raise a fucking kid and are completely ignorant on
    the effects of cannabis.

  20. Silly Plants says:

    People you need to do a lot more research on cannabis, the endocannabinoid
    system, and how the plant interacts with humans. Look up some great people
    like Raphael Mechoulam, Lester Grinspoon…Look up the cash hyde
    foundation, search “Charlottes Web” If we wanna bring the fact that
    marijuana is destroying our children…What about the Psychotropic drugs
    being legally fed to our children? My brother’s life has been DESTROYED by
    pharmaceuticals, not cannabis. I mean look at this video, and tell me its
    destroying us…watch?v=BH5yzEu3JGQ

  21. jschmitz101 says:

    People who smoke marijuana are so stupid.

    What are you, insane?

    Don’t you realize how many people die from marijuana overdose? Millions and
    millions, every second…

    It is the most dangerous thing humans have ever created. It’s killed more
    people than tobacco, alcohol, cancer, war, and hunger COMBINED.

    If we allow it to be legal, everyone is going to die in a matter of days.
    Marijuana is the new death, don’t give in to peer pressure, kids!

    If you want to consume something, consume something that’s safe and
    harmless, like tobacco or alcohol, they’re legal for a reason!!

  22. vencugar says:

    What disturbs me is that there are some groups of people who really should
    not be smoking this stuff. We don’t know what or how many of these groups
    there are. If you are a child with the potential to develop mental illness
    later on (by smoking this) its a disaster. You see older kids smoking it
    and you think its ok because its legal then later on your mind becomes a
    total mess and you will never know the reason why because this “luxury” is
    legal. Its actually sickening.

  23. joe brown says:

    cute chicks smoking weed is so hot

  24. John Doe says:

    To the neegas hating on the rehab guy who said more kids are addicted to
    weed. I don’t think he was talking about a physical addiction, more like an
    addiction to videogames, where you are constantly doing it because you like
    it. Of course this is bad for kids as they are not using their time to do
    well in school.

  25. wukilla11 says:

    your wrong cause cbd in the marijuana plant protects your brain from mental
    illness dummy haha you know jack shit about this herb

  26. Rob Johnson says:

    “Businessmen” are creepy.

  27. celclus719 says:

    I love how no one realizes the Medical factors of marijuana But they are
    quick to point a finger and degrade something they have no clue about there
    are a lot of promising factor’s marijuana that no one will ever realize
    because its different to Use a plant as MEDICINE instead of prescription

  28. YusufAlKafir says:

    @14:05 the lady says ‘Mmm-kay?” just like Mr. Mackey from South Park. haha
    Someone had to mention it. 😉

  29. Silly Plants says:

    Some ignorant comments on here about feeling good through exercise and
    other “natural” ways. Exercising is just another way of getting high. Also
    I hate hearing the misconception that people turn lazy. They were gonna be
    lazy to begin with. There are so many people that are incredibly productive
    that consume cannabis. Stop being stupid

  30. teeznutz0 says:

    The Drug rehabilitation Clinic guy looks like a child molester.

  31. Ace F says:

    Its funny when they say its addictive. Weak ppl are addicted to everything.
    We put sugar in milk to make it addictive. Coffee is crazy addictive and
    thats americas drink. So anyone that says weed should stay illegal due to
    addiction. Educate yourself. 

  32. OGkush2011 says:

    16:14 KIDS are still dying!?! HAHA! even though cannabis is not lethal..
    better cannabis than alchohol or ciggs which kills millions world wide
    every year.. your argument about SAVE THE CHILDREN is a smokescreen and is
    crap! just trying to continue the failed policies of prohibition putting
    non-violant people in jail for a harmless plant that nobody has the right
    to tell me i cant put into my body in the first fucking place…

  33. Trent West says:

    Lucky fucking cunts

    fuck new mexico colorado’s only 32 miles away, I’ll walk it

  34. wukilla11 says:

    heck yeah your a responsible cannabis user love it!!!

  35. anandyify says:

    bullshit marijuana is less addictive then coffee and less harmful!

  36. spector52 says:

    The stupidity of a lot of the comments on this video is amazing.

  37. James Omahony says:

    I have to say legalisation seemed like a dream five years ago I reckon the
    next ten years will change everything .

  38. Dalaminora says:

    I once knew a friend who overdosed when he injected too many marijuanas at

  39. Joseph Bain says:

    I’m moving to Colorado! I’ve heard the Governor Rick Perry wants to
    legalize it in Texas too! Before you know it its going to be national! It
    would also boost the economy!

  40. adayinforever says:

    16:14 Kids are dying from what? What argument does this guy have besides
    calling marijuana legalization “crap”?

  41. John Doe says:

    when i OD on weed i get sleep and hungry 🙁

  42. PuppetMaster says:


  43. Silly Plants says:

    To the dude that said in 10 years crime rates will have gone up, and people
    will be less productive that’s retarded…Look at what happened in Portugal
    after they legalized ALL drugs. ALL…Everyone needs to educate themselves
    before spewing retarded garbage out on the internet. Baa Baa Baa-that’s
    mostly what I see in the comments section.

  44. zbiggie229 says:

    where do you think they are getting the alcohol, the adults. The reality is
    enforcement is what matters. If you have people who police it properly you
    will see adults using, with few issues with only similar drug use for

  45. 90sIbizaDanceParty says:

    I prefer decriminalization legalization will just allow the government to
    regulate it and put their crappy chemicals in it, just look at what people
    like that business man at the factory. The government only cares about
    money, marijuana should come from people who believe in its medicinal
    powers and not how they can make a buck from it.

  46. zlogi says:

    Stop the bullshit , you cant get addicted to weed asshole , i`ve smoked
    since i was 15 , now i`m 32 , i just stopped without any side effects
    because i dont have time for it because of my work, and my newborn son .

  47. Adam A says:

    kids are dying and parents are loosing their children? sounds like reefer

  48. Journeyman Pictures says:

    #JourneymanWeekly 28/10: US cannabis boom, ‘Go Home’ UK immigration,
    Ethiopia land crisis, Spying debate, Oil tension Rocky Mountain High –
    Colorado’s Cannabis Boom, USA

  49. lioncityFighter says:

    Americans are the biggest hypocrites, they made countries all around the
    world criminalize cannabis, and today they legalized cannabis for their own
    state while some countries still hang people for cannabis.

  50. Jason M says:

    If cannabis is made legal ol’ Aaron will b out of a job. There are more
    kids in rehab for marijuana then adults using hard drugs. Why u ask?
    Because it is such a lucrative business. These rehabs r giving parents the
    old demon marijuana story where little johny or suzy puts a gun in there
    mouth because of herb. The Dixie Elixers dude is a douche bag also!
