The Denver High Times Cannabis Cup With TGC

Cheech And Chong Smoking In The Car (Up In Smoke)
May 12, 2013
What does the Bible say about Marijuana / Weed / Cannabis / Pot? Is it okay?
May 12, 2013

The Denver High Times Cannabis Cup With TGCWe took a trip to the High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver Colorado and met up with the guys from The Growers Circle (TGC) The Dragon Collective is Los Angeles …


  1. dany420201 says:

    Looked like fun henry took a mean dab lol!

  2. MrHitman7272 says:


  3. calikush4dub says:

    Ninja wax killed Henry hemp good shit lol

  4. MrHitman7272 says:

    had a blast. HOT AS FISH GREASE. LOL TGC StankBoyzSeeds

  5. buckeye420growth says:

    yo looked like a great time. nice TGC caps
