Sheriffs Are Suing Colorado For Having Legal Weed

♪ Scooter Vlog ♫ Scooter Vlog ♪
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015

“Ten sheriffs from three different states sued Colorado Thursday for legalizing marijuana. The sheriffs from Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska say that Colorado’s 2012 marijuana legalization vote…


  1. Jamie Cox says:

    Bottom line is this….if Marijuana becomes legal in any or all states, the
    police departments across this nation would lose hundreds of millions of
    dollars annually!

    Whatever money generated from taxes from legalized Marijuana would
    absolutely pail in comparison to the money that EVERY police department
    makes from any fines, court cost and arrest etc.

    Bottom line…police departments make more money when Marijuana is
    illegal….not legal! Show them a way to make more money off of legal
    Marijuana and most cops would be all in!

  2. Rikard A says:

    The police main job is to protect it’s Citizens. And why are you Calling
    your police sheriffs?

  3. Hans Smooth says:

    Stupid potheads deserve to be convicted.

  4. James Campbell-Laing says:

    Jury’s out, weed is the safest thing to put in your lungs other than air,
    now stfu forever about it.

  5. God-fearing conservative says:

    *Dope fiends are not above the law. Deal with it.*

  6. yzman123 says:

    The states will lose this battle. Its illegal federally and federal trumps
    state. We need to be consistent. Federal rights always trump state, even on
    issues we don’t want them to. We need the feds to decriminalize it and
    allow states to do what they please.

  7. SlayerofFiction says:

    Amazing, despite record firearms owernership homicides are at a record low,
    further, firearms are a multi billion dollar industry in America, but the
    Democrats want them gone.
    Hmmm, logic does not seem to go strong in party politics period.

  8. Othon Gonzalez says:

    Cuntservatives are a plague in this world…

  9. MasterROBO360 says:

    Damn, first they complain about drug cartels, then they complain about the
    drugs being legal. You can’t have neither, you have to have one or the

  10. Senk Oogur says:

    The sheriffs just went full retard.

  11. Albus Dumbledore says:

    I am white and I’ve gotten two marijuana possession citations… so stop
    saying whites are off the hook and blacks get the strong arm of the law. We
    both do, black people get targeted more often i don’t doubt but come on
    John, be real.

  12. DBoy11368 says:

    They can’t pad their numbers, y’know? It’s hurting their bargaining power
    to ask for money for their cool new toys like APCs and carbines.

  13. Andy Dominguez says:

    Didn’t the states legalize alcohol first during prohibition…?

  14. duo1666 says:

    I agree with the lawsuit, as you cant have states contradicting federal law
    like this. That makes the central government completely pointless, and cuts
    both ways, since the central government is supposed to protect everyones
    rights regardless, hence the constitution and the amendments, which a state
    cannot overrule.

    However, at this point the case should be postponed and the central
    government should reevaluate its policy on marijuana. I believe that is the
    best call for what should happen. But, as we all know, politicians doing
    their jobs isnt going to happen.

  15. JamanWerSonst says:

    Cops in germany are actually for the legalization of marijuana because
    right now everytime they find someone with weed they have to go through a
    lot of legal stuff and prosecute it but at the end of the day judges will
    let people go unless they were dealers or something.
    So cops are for legalization because it would spare them a lot of
    unneccessary work. Some of the highest cops in the country actually said
    “we got better things to do than look for people who have marijuana with

    I really don’t get why cops in the US would want it banned again. Maybe
    because they can’t use the excuse “we smelled marijuana” anymore when they
    want to search a car of a black person.

  16. MistressArte says:

    This shows how fucked up our country is, the cops should be there to
    protect us, not gain a profit. In fact they should cost money, not bring
    money in. Any money brought in during doing their jobs should go to the
    state and local government, to be used on things that aren’t essential to
    anything. (Like making the neighborhood prettier.) That way cops are
    incentivized by the wrong reasons.

  17. MilitantAntiTheist says:

    But it’s not about state’s rights. Constitutional scholars like Cliven
    Bundy know that the Founding Fathers intended for the County Sheriff to be
    the ultimate authority, while the Federal government is illegitimate. Learn
    Liberty, TYT.

  18. Inazuma65 says:

    Anyone who wants to ban weed should have to come up with a valid reason to
    do so. Good luck with that >_>

  19. kristabella222 says:

    These sheriffs will get absolutely nowhere with their suits. The tide has
    gone out and unlike Bill O’Rielly’s tide it’s not coming back.

  20. Big Gamer29 says:

    this is a losing battle and they know it lol:)

  21. △SeZZy △ says:

    Sick of weed I want recreational cocaine .

  22. 7orqu3 says:

    Those so called men of the law are only concerned with meeting quotas and
    couldnt careless about the people they are paid to protect they are fucking

  23. TeamOfAfflictions says:

    the legalization of marijuana for recreational use is inevitable, get over

  24. mark caleb says:

    These morons don’t or can’t realize that it’s not only republicans stopping
    marijuana legalization. California is a liberal state. The people there
    opposed legalizing it for recreational use. 

  25. Lincoln Redonn Grant says:

    More than likely they get a cut. for every drug bust, so now they’re

  26. Justus McNeal says:

    Ana is under the impression that it’s only Conservatives that are against
    legalization. This is how I know that Ana learned nothing in her political
    science education at university. Drugs have ALWAYS been party neutral.
    Both parties are pretty close to equal on both legalization and

    The difference is that Liberals lean more toward medicinal use and
    Conservatives lean more toward recreational and unregulated use. So, if
    you look at the states that have legalized pot in different ways,
    Conservatives are actually MORE on the side of pot users if you want to be

    Other than that, I’m surprised by how right she is. Marijuana is a HUGE
    payoff to law enforcement. With the decrease in all forms of crime,
    marijuana is the only justification for law enforcement to pull in as much
    government cheese as it does. It is definitely an act of desperation on
    the parts of law enforcement to take such a hard stance. 

  27. CNVideos says:

    How about just legalizing it everywhere? That would solve the problem.

  28. Peter Griffin says:

    Marijuana is for pussies!! Real men use meth, ex, crack, dust, coke,
    block, crystal.

  29. Phoenix Collins says:

    Legalize it; once the initial hype is over most people won’t care.

  30. Brett Lucas says:

    They actually have a point now, as a state is willfully contradicting the
    federal law. The point they are missing here is that as long as the
    products are grown, sold, and used WITHIN the states borders it is NOT a
    federal issue. Unless they can PROVE they are moving it across state
    borders the feds can’t and should not do shit.

  31. Nikola241 says:

    Libtards being libtards. Fuck your weed and gay marriages. Fucking cancer
    of the world. Libtards love everything that’s retarded.. 

  32. Jon Alanoor says:

    I liked this video until peach fuzz over there had to bring race into it.

    Dude, come on. This is the 2nd video in 2 days when I’ve seen you do this
    shit. We get it. You feel bad about being white. We don’t think you’re a
    racist. Now please calm the fuck down.

    (And just to clarify, I do think that minorities are unfairly targeted by
    law enforcement, but I’m not gonna go bringing that shit up every single
    chance I get)

  33. Jeremy Lin says:

    Weed overloads your dopamine receptors with dopamine. Your brain
    compensates with this by making less dopamine. Dopamine is the only thing
    making you happy right now and the loss of it can lead to
    physiological/health problems. This is why people say weed kills brain
    cells, you make less dopamine, which also leads to less brain cells. I’m
    against weed but am for the legalization of weed. Seeing a pothead in jail
    with people committing murder is just absurd.

  34. Jandus Thife says:

    These sheriffs should realize who the fuck is paying them. These pieces of
    shit aren’t worthy of being “authorities”.

  35. defina jones says:

    disgusting cops they should just sucker-up and jump aboard the gravy train,
    ‘All Aboard “

  36. Tyrion says:

    Can State Law go against Federal Law? Uhm, no. The Supremacy Clause makes
    it very clear that Federal Law trumps State Law. So even if States legalize
    weed, it is still illegal in the United States. Weed will never truly be
    legal in any State until the Federal Laws against it are repealed, case

  37. brandon estrella says:

    And yes please stop stereotyping conservatives I am a conservative that
    does not believe in God and I am also pro choice as well as marriage
    equality. But I do believe in limited government and firearm freedoms. I
    feel that people should have the right to do what they want as long as it
    doesn’t hurt other people.

  38. Nate Hoffman says:

    It turns out that there isn’t much to do without marijuana busts. I’m
    guessing there income is drying up pretty quick too.

  39. Keith Armstrong says:

    Pot has not been always illegal.

  40. Ben A says:

    Sheriffs Are Suing Colorado For Having Legal Weed:

  41. TheLowEndTheory says:

    Reminds me of the family guy episode when Peter was drunk and couldnt say
    “theres nothing to………”

  42. Kancho says:

    The reason why Mariguanna use is down is the same one that was there 30
    years ago — it’s users always end up switching to *harder drugs*.
    Basically, Nancy Reagan was right.

  43. p3wned says:

    fuck those pigs oink oink 

  44. PhillipHunsberger says:

    Cannabis use to be legal here in the U.S.. Even back then, there was no
    epidemic of grotesque and problematic cannabis use.

  45. Eric East says:

    Can we please just stop?
    I like watching TYT and all, but they continue to be a big part of the
    “left versus right paradigm” problem we have n this country and around the
    world. Stop demonizing the conservatives. Stop calling them hypocrites over
    the actions of a few. Cenk himself was a conservative before he had his
    change of heart.

    And stop reading random Twitter feeds from Joe Conservative who has 0
    retweets to support your case. Anyone can grab stupid random Twitter feeds,
    using that to support your case just goes to show how weak your case is. I
    could find silly feminist Tweets and post those, but does that make
    equality for women wrong? Or if I found a bunch of Tweets from black
    people that make a bunch of hateful Tweets about white people, does that
    mean all blacks are racist?

    Just stop with the master baiting. Part of TYT’s success though is because
    they are NOT mature. A lot of it has to do with Cenk’s ability to make
    serious points, but to also be a clown and to provoke the other side. Round
    and round we go. We will always be a nation divided with each side having 0
    respect for the other. If both sides used reason instead of insults then
    maybe our country wouldn’t be so utterly sad. Real reason without barbs.
    You don’t always have to deliver reason and truth from the top rope all WWE
    like. But it’s entertaining, so that is why even “progressive” TYT can
    never change its business model.

  46. krazyknva78 says:

    >The people voted to legalize it.
    >Sheriffs attempting to undermine the people.

    Totally unsurprised.

  47. Duncan Pinderhughes says:

    Over 72% of the people in my state are in favor of medicinal cannabis but
    our politicians don’t give a shit and our attorney general just struck down
    a voting measure for legislation. American politicians hate freedom.

  48. Johan Thomas says:

    It is too early to really draw conclusion about the effects of marijuana
    legalisation. What we’re seing are the immediate effects, the short-term
    effects. But What about the long-term effects ?

  49. Hiarhu says:

    Better idea sue the federal government to stop the unreasonable prohibition
    and bloody drug war. 

  50. 000deadcalm000 says:

    Americans in positions of authority love the IDEA of democracy…just not
    in practice. I would suggest that the people who these Sheriffs work for,
    fire them and replace them with those that ACTUALLY believe in the
    democratic process 
