Rep. Robert Benvenuti Voices Concerns about Legalizing Medical Marijuana

January 17, 2014
Buddy Nuggets 8000 Watt Grow Update
January 17, 2014

Rep. Robert Benvenuti Voices Concerns about Legalizing Medical MarijuanaIn a hearing of the Kentucky House Health and Welfare Committee on January 9, Rep. Robert Benvenuti (R-Lexington), an attorney, voiced appreciation for the f…


  1. screeningmimi says:

    What B.S. The FDA clinical trials were done DECADES ago, which is why even
    conservative states like Kansas have used medical MJ for years.

    This guy and others like him, overreacted to the ‘hillbilly heroin’
    stories, and that is why it is almost impossible for people in pain – and I
    mean those with terminal diseases as well, to get pain killers in this
    country. Those who claim to want to get ‘nanny government’ out of our
    lives, are the first to want to control what goes into our bodies, and to
    get between us and our doctors. 

  2. Testicular100 says:

    As soon as the tax revenue from Colorado and Washington is reported this
    tool will chsange his tune about FDA approval.

  3. Zane Murphy says:

    He makes a good argument.

  4. jared williams says:

    So no recorded deaths attributed to cannabis use ever in the history of
    humanity around the world…but this dude has multiple examples right there
    in the room full of people who are disagreeing with the very thing he is
    saying. He knows he’s lying because he is fidgeting, blinking excessively,
    clearing his throat. He can barely muster the strength to lie any more. 

  5. Turd Fergasen says:

    who gives a shit if marijuana can kill you or not.. obviously it cant, but
    thats not the point. the point is.. if i wanna smoke it who are you to say
    i cant? i am an adult who can make my own decisions i dont need the
    government to make them for me. 

  6. PaperBag says:

    This is a comedy right?I mean what kind of a dumbass would vote for a clown
    like this?I really dont know where they find people so ignorant of truth
    and real facts.

  7. matthew mcgregor says:

    “Now excuse me while i crack open a can of natty light and drive home like
    a real patriot.”

  8. Alissa Sizemore says:

    Forget this guy!

  9. paul archer says:

    this guy is retarded you know how much money this would bring if marijuana
    was legalized it would help our state out tobacco and alcohol has more
    deaths on it then marijuana ever did…. this guy needs to go back to
    school and learn about marijuana.. you see all these other countries have
    marijuana legal an you don’t hear no problem about them countries. look at
    all the states have marijuana legal and its helping them state out. 

  10. Ryan Borger says:

    Remove yourself from office. That much ignorance should not be allowed to
    have that much power. You sir win the idiot of the week award. 

  11. Rehan Arshed says:

    I wonder which corporation has him on the payroll.

  12. Burger Van Dreamz says:

    How can an asshat like this guy be in government?? Oh yea, he is a lying,
    cheating piece of shit, like all of them. All out for their own personal

  13. The Huffington Post says:

    *Kentucky Politician Says Marijuana Kills*
    State Rep. Robert Benvenuti (R-Lexington) said he believes the availability
    of medical marijuana in Kentucky could be “a Trojan horse” for legalizing
    recreational weed in the state and went on to suggest recreational
    marijuana could lead to the deaths of children.


  14. Brian Ballard says:

    Im sorry Kentucky elected this man. He wants to legislate by his own
    agenda, not for the people he represents. I hope he does some research and
    sees his mistake. I would really like for him to make good on his promise
    that he could fill the room with people who’ve been affected by cannabis
    deaths. Were doing the same. Were getting everyone together who’ve been
    positively been affected with cannabis in their lives. We’ll have more
    people because there hasnt been a SINGLE marijuana death. Mr.Benvenuti
    needs to know that this is going to pass. eventually the US will have
    medical use and Rec use. He should get on board. He will make more money
    than he is now if medical use is passed. Our state can be restored to its
    once amazing glory. So much money will make our state flourish again. I
    cant wait. But we NEED this. We need safe access to medical grade

  15. ephinatic says:

    You don’t need convincing. You are an unconvincable, The FDA did not
    approve booze. Can you spell Kentucky Bourbon? Go away. You are just IN the

  16. Dabbers_Anonymous says:

    This is ridiculous 
