Recreational Vs Medicinal Marijuana. Washington Regulation Debate

Mr.Tight’s HOME GROWN REPORT – S2:E4 GDP Harvest
January 17, 2015
18,000 Watt Cookie Factory Day 21
January 17, 2015

“In 2012, Washington passed a ballot measure legalizing the sale of marijuana for recreational use. Finally adults could get high without a medical excuse. The initiative established a tax…


  1. Elliot Rodger says:

    The supreme gentleman is back you dirty whores!

  2. Serahpin says:

    Why would Cenk want to create a bureaucracy to subsidize people when the
    current laws just doesn’t tax them in the first place? Instead of just not
    taxing medicinal users, he wants to tax them then pay them a subsidy? That
    takes man power and infrastructure that isn’t necessary.

  3. Thomas MacKelly says:

    California! Let’s make this shit happen! How the shit did Colorado
    freedomize marijuana before Cali! *unacceptable*

  4. Armando Votan says:

    The dudes I get my weed from don’t have to pay rent, tax, or employees.
    Karma will punish you if you try and pinch a bag 3 times before it gets to
    the smoker. I know at least 10 people who I can get it from for half the
    price of the state stores. Plus I can try it, they smoke me out or we
    match bowls. The price is $50 a quarter, $125-150 an oz almost anywhere
    you go in the state. Legal weed in WA has priced itself out of the market.
    We’re not new to this in WA and you can’t tell us where to get our weed

  5. SuperBizalz says:

    From what I understand, the BASE price of weed is the SAME; recreational vs

    The tax, however, is much higher on the recreational marijuana. Something
    like 36% vs 6%.

    I do NOT think that they should raise the tax on marijuana that is used for
    medicinal purposes.

  6. Jefferson Steelflex says:

    Legalize shrooms, lsd, and mdma too! Ron Paul 2012!

  7. Enola Gay Bockscar says:

    once there’s a coca-cola of pot, or wal-mart of pot, then it’ll be able to
    fund it’s own legalizemarijuana campaign in states where it’s not legal,
    until it’s legal across the nation, next step, the continent, next step
    after that? The World! Pot will rule the world!

  8. AVMUploads says:

    I’d say they should be the same price, but your insurance should do what it
    does with other medication. Pay most of it, but just to be safe (since it
    is a recreational drug, people can and will try to get more of it than they
    need for longer than their condition lasts) make them pay a small co-pay
    based on their income bracket. Say, 1% below the poverty line, 10% for the
    middle class and the rich can pay for it their own damn selves.

  9. TheEonge says:

    Our legislature will do fucking nothing on this.


    They have failed to comply with our Supreme Court’s order to adequately
    fund our education in the state. What makes you think they would act on

  10. cjbos81 says:


  11. James Carter says:

    I’ve got no idea what I was thinking, but for a short moment I thought that
    guest looked like Common from the angel his head was at in the wide shot.

  12. ShermKlump says:

    lol at all the liberal potheads in the comments. Keep doing your drugs you
    lazy hippy faggots. 

  13. Sobrino928 says:

    The pot from dispensaries are too expensive. They charge around $320 or
    more an ounce for the bomb shit. You can get the same quality for around
    $200-260 on the streets. Just saying.

  14. The Young Turks says:

    TYT wants all our fans to smoke a lot of this Friday night… Especially
    the younger kids all to smoke weed tonight. It opens your mind and makes
    your more progressive.

  15. Swerve Owe says:

    Hey Turks you should actually check your sources and do a little research
    they are taxing marijuana and recreational shops in Washington State almost
    3 times what the price of a gram is. It’s as high as 60 70 dollars for a
    gram of marijuana

  16. iscrewy says:

    I’m against nullification of federal law

  17. Skill Cosby says:

    Yeah, but you can’t put it in a drink though.

  18. Blane Truth says:

    I wish ana and cenks daughters become pornstars and prostitutes…

    Because it’s okay for other people’s daughters to be such but when it comes
    to theirs they will get angry 

  19. Revo Red says:

    This is why we need to repeal the second amendment 

  20. Greg Rodgers says:

    In states that have legalized marijuana is there any regulations that allow
    you to grow any at home? An example could be up to may five plants.

  21. Paco B says:

    As a medical patient living in washington I can tell you the cost
    differences between medical and recreational is five fold. A normal size
    recreational joint (about 2.5 grams) will cost you $50.00 or more depending
    on where you buy it whereas you can buy a quarter ounce of medical with a
    script for the same amount. I’m not aware of any insurance perscription
    plan that covers it and even if it did, isn’t that really just giving more
    american tax money to big pharma? Medical patients shouldn’t be taxed
    because others want to use thier medicine recreationally.

  22. arizonaviking says:

    I keep telling people, I’m not stoned, I’m medicated!

  23. Lisa Sweeny says:

    I hacked this comment so you can only like it if you have a big dick.

  24. ShermKlump says:

    I wonder what retard The Young Fucks hired to come up with the gay fucking
    faggot puns that are on the shitty 480p screens behind them. My 2 year old
    autistic cousin can come up with better fucking puns than that. But what do
    you expect from a youtube channel that has an agenda that promotes gay
    hipppy faggots. 

  25. Jane Fraser says:

    I think it makes sense to tax medicines less than recreational drugs, so a
    lower tax rate should be available for people who have a prescription or
    can provide evidence of chronic pain. Although it might make more sense to
    apply this at the point of sale, so people who have a medical need for
    marijuana can purchase it from mainstream weed stores at the lower prices,
    as these likely have a wider selection and other benefits.

  26. Feminazi Frequency says:

    Marijuana should only be able to be smoked by women. It makes men even more
    violent than they are allready… especially these privileged white cis guy
    that will rape anything.

  27. yuigoh12 says:

    Who cares? Pot will affect a students learning which will lead to bad
    grades and a shitty job in the future. Smoke all you want, just don’t be
    complaining when you making 10$ a hour at age 40. Liberals digging their
    own graves and expect Big Daddy Government to bail them out. SMH. Fucking

  28. Dire Shadow says:

    Take all the facts from booze and pot, and let’s reverse the tables. Let’s
    imagine that pot remained legal, and booze was still illegal today.

    Okay, now try to argue that booze should be legal, knowing what you know
    today on its effects on society. Try to make a compelling argument. I dare

  29. Gael Cannabrz says:

    hehehe … the look @ the end. Hey, need a geneticist to create a strain? 

  30. ToniSkit says:

    Get does lobbyist 

  31. tregonzo says:

    As a medical card holder in the state of CO, I can say first hand that, no,
    your insurance will NOT pay for your medicine. The dispensary price is
    about 3 times lower than the adult use prices, the ‘street’ price is lower
    than the adult use prices. I would suggest that the adult use prices
    should be lowered. The excuse that has been given for the price difference
    is to ensure medical patients can access their meds. All it really does is
    keep the black market open for business. It should be the same price by
    weight, and taxed differently by use. Just my opinion

  32. Jared Bennatt says:

    It’s actually wrong, that “of course we should tax it”? Why? Because we
    tax alcohol and tobacco? Why do we have this tax? I mean, they would
    still have to pay income tax and capital gains taxes–the business alone
    generates tax money just as all commerce does. Why should this type of
    commerce generate extra taxes than any other? So I don’t think there
    should be a sin tax–on anything (including alcohol and tobacco). If the
    tax were tied to the public cost of the drug, like health care for smokers,
    etc., then I would support it, but that’s not what the taxes are used for.
    The ironic thing is that, because it’s essentially a flat tax, it is
    overwhelmingly a tax on the poor and many of the programs these things tend
    to fund are support for the poor (so they tax the poor then give the tax
    back to a smaller portion of the poor).

  33. Harry Bahls says:


  34. raidpirate52 says:

    People are wasting their lives obsessing over this, and they say it’s not
    addictive? LOL. I’m drug free. No legal drugs. No illegal drugs. Seriously,
    it’s such a great life not worrying about petty shit like this.

  35. defina jones says:

    The U.S. is infested with Drugged Out Weed ‘HEADS’ !!

  36. Xanstrom says:

    i fucking love it when Ana makes herself laugh, its so fucking adorable.

  37. ShermKlump says:

    I don’t think pot by itsself is bad, but *EVERY* expert will agree that pot
    always leads to harder drug use like cocaine, heroine, and math. I guess
    liberals support a country that is filled with drug users. They probably
    want it so more people will rely on government so the government can have a
    takeover and the democrats can have their *LIBERAL UTOPIA* smh

  38. Ethan Coggins says:

    Haha I live out here in Washington, Cenk is right about people going back
    to the streets for marijuana, weed is super abundant, it’s prolly like 50%
    more in recreational dispensaries than on the street) there are legit
    $15-20 eighths right now, usually you can get good stuff for $25 an 1/8 on
    the street vs at least $35 medical and a lot more if you go recreational.
    With a plant that is so easy to grow, and allowing people to grow a limited
    amount of plants (which have varying yields) they do need to keep
    recreational prices down, or people are just gonna buy weed from their
    neighbor who has like 6 plants in his garden lol. But with everybody
    growing it really turns your neighborhood dealer into a nicer dude who you
    don’t have to worry about messing with you, so really the law is helping
    deal with organized crime, and everybody’s just super happy down here in
    the Seattle area. 

  39. Rebuilt Gearbox says:

    BEWARE: Here there be trolls.

  40. Soggy B says:

    The Movement turns back in on its self. Raising the price on the sick. WTF

  41. SeanTheOriginal says:

    Medical cannabis SHOULD be cheaper.
    For people who seriously need it, like cancer patients, they have enough
    financial problems without their medicine being subject to outrageous
    taxes. Or if they are going to do that, then medical cannabis needs the
    same kind of healthcare coverage that a lot of other medicines have.
    If you want both the recreational and medicinal markets, then they need to
    be separated. Medical cannabis should be nearly free for the people who
    need it, and can prove they need it.
    Then you have the recreational shit that is subject to taxes.

    Don’t punish real patients just because you’re fucking greedy.

  42. Yaphet Kotto says:


  43. Adrian St. Fort says:

    This is what I like to see, Ana. I love when a woman shows off the length
    and volume of her hair; please don’t pin it up ever again, unless you’re
    going for the ballerina look. I’m also loving your choice of vibrant hues
    for your eye-shadow and lipstick; the pink gives your eyes flare and makes
    me want to move in for a smooch. Oh, and that top tops things off greatly;
    it reveals just enough skin to be sexy but not so much that you come across
    as sleazy. You did well, today, Ana. Keep it up, ’cause I’ll be watchin

  44. Shut Up says:

    Football people.

  45. underdawg47 says:

    Taxes shouldn’t be so expensive that it is cheaper to by from the black
    market. Everyone should legally be able to grow for their own use.

  46. jdogsful says:

    Im a smoker, but maybe medical marijuana patients should only get a medical
    care discounts for hemp, CBD oils, edibles etc.

    It seems counter intuitive for a person with serious health issues to be
    smoking anything.

    But on the other hand, anxiety and depression are probably the most common
    medical reasons for weed, and smoking is the quickest fix.

  47. Frank Lithiumz says:

    I like Cenk’s idea. Make insurers cover medical marijuana for people who
    have proven needs for them, otherwise tax and regulate the medical and
    recreational types equally.

  48. Blane Truth says:

    Ana has a punch able face…she ticks me off… Replace her Rubin 
