Personal Time With Greg: Marijuana, Health and Law

How Marijuana Heals ALS w/ Robert Melamede, PhD — Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis w/Cathy Jordan
September 1, 2014
Greenhouse Grow 2014 ep6 – Getting Frosty
September 1, 2014

Personal Time With Greg: Marijuana, Health and LawHelp keep us going by donating or visiting our store! We also have a Patreon account: You can ask me questions on my…


  1. Covetous McDaniels says:

    Personally I will never smoke that crap because 1: ill become addicted 2:
    very expensive and 3: I know people who smoke that crap and they tend to
    have inflamed throughts after smoking too much which in result kills your
    lungs or the air sacks in which you collect oxygen I’m no professional but
    I’m sure smoking this drug is way!! Healthier than smoking cigarettes.
    Possibly not safer as its an halusagain but better for your health.

  2. DawnRunBrony says:

    I don’t believe anything I hear about it anymore. This comment section is
    an example.

  3. modelmajorpita says:

    They can and have proven that the DARE program resulted in higher drug use,
    as DARE was not universal and they can compare the drug use of DARE
    ‘graduates’ versus people in similar socioeconomic circumstances who didn’t
    go through DARE.

  4. Adrian Sincyr says:

    Nice suit i like the formality 

  5. Ashoten2021 says:

    was kind of hoping that you would talk about effects marijuana might have
    on pain. Like would it be worth looking into to deal with chronic pain like
    proponents of marijuana say? I take more Tylenol then is healthy for me and
    wonder if marijuana is an alternative.

  6. TheMcSqueakers says:

    All drugs should be legal. I would never do them, but there are many
    benefits to making it legal. It would reduce cost thus reducing the profits
    for drug lords and illegal sellers. With legalization, you get companies
    getting in on it, being able to produce it at high capacity, further
    reducing cost while simultaneously making it have to follow FDA
    regulations, making them safer. Some of the problem with the more dangerous
    drugs are the unsanitary and unsafe conditions, made with chemicals that
    can be lethal. When companies start selling it, it will be taxable creating
    huge benefits to the economy. With all this, drugs will be pointless to
    smuggle into the us, thus ending all the drug wars along the border.

    And the whole myth about everybody becoming drug addicts… lets be honest.
    Anybody who wants to do them is already doing it. Its not like making it
    legal will change good parents’ opinions on them. They still wont let their
    kids do drugs just like they wouldn’t let them drink and smoke.

    Also, it would be under the same regulations as alcohol, where public
    use/intoxication and driving while under the influence would be illegal

    In the end, we don’t need the government micromanaging our health. If you
    choose to destroy your body and life, it would be a horrible decision, but
    you should be free to make it. The war on drugs is unwinnable and costs so
    many more lives than it would even pose to save.

  7. TheSilversepiroth says:

    The way I understand it (and I may be WAY off base in this) is that all of
    the medical benefits of Marijuana can be found in cannabis oil. I could be
    completely wrong with that, they may not even know yet, but that’s what
    I’ve heard about it. 

  8. RandomJ0e says:

    Rupert is always with us. 

  9. Breton Charles says:

    Don’t do drugs!

  10. 2zephyy says:

    Can I recommend that you start citing your sources on videos like this.
    Because I like a lot of what you are saying but I can’t use it if I’m not
    sure as to your sources. 

  11. Tommy Hitchcock says:

    Testoterone will also shrink your balls.

  12. WormyLeWorm says:

    You can see the same unintended effect (of a program like D.A.R.E) with
    tobacco. Cool people don’t smoke to be cool, they smoke because they’re
    cool, and part of being cool is going against what most people want you to
    do and other factors that make smoking attractive to those kinds of people.
    Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point has a good section about this.

    The fact is, most people experiment with all sorts of things, but a
    minority of them make it an unhealthy habit, and it’s nature more than

  13. Xonmean says:

    I noticed some (aliasing?) jagged lines behind your path of motion when
    your move side to side. I figured I’d let you know, though I’m not bothered
    by it.

  14. DANIEL PRIETO says:

    I say do NOT Legalize. After all the Things the Cartels did, I dont want
    that Drug in my Country

  15. Dash Lambda says:

    Finally someone who’ll talk about this without taking either extreme…

  16. Ted G says:

    The sadhu priests from India that constantly use cannabis end up getting
    memory problems after a decade.
    I live in Seattle and cannabis use seems to be rather pervasive among my
    peer group (white males in their 20’s). Even before it was partially
    legalized 11 out of my 14 friends used it at least occasionally.

  17. MuffinHunterX says:

    Speaking as someone who made the conscious choice to abstain from ALL forms
    of behavior altering substances (not for moral reasons but because I
    personally don’t like giving up personal control of myself) I can say that
    from personal experience that I’d rather deal with someone who was stoned
    on pot than someone that was drunk. They’re generally far less unpleasant.

  18. DANIEL PRIETO says:

    And besides I do not Want a Drug Legalized! What now Medical Cocaine?

  19. Timothy Schmid says:

    I love biochemistry. It’s so deliciously complex.

  20. HurricaneSparky says:

    I’m a supporter of legalization. Less resources devoted towards policing
    marijuana and incarcerating people on small charges for it (police money,
    prison upkeep, propaganda, etc.). Furthermore, it can be taxed, which would
    be a great new cash avenue.

    I like to bring up the “alcohol vs. marijuana” comparison a lot as I have a
    lot of experience with alcoholics and pot heads, even growing up with an
    alcoholic father that would get wasted and blow his paycheck on gambling
    and fight with my mom. I suppose the health ramifications are harder to
    compare, but I think of the social problems instead.

    I hear about people getting into car crashes while stoned in Colorado after
    it was legalized, and I think that’s where the line of responsibility is
    drawn. If you get high and wreck your car (hopefully with no injuries),
    then you have only yourself to blame for your irresponsibility. I feel that
    people that are high are more aware of their actions and in far better
    control of their judgements than those who are drunk. I don’t personally
    know any stoners that drive while high who’ve gotten into wrecks or
    displayed volatile behavior, but most drunks frighten me because of how
    unpredictable they can be.

  21. Protemp says:

    I say legalize it cops don’t need to worry about it and can work on
    fighting more dangerous ones like crack. Plus tax revenue from it is good.
    I don’t even use it and think its stupid but other people want to do it and
    so long as it doesn’t directly harm someone else shouldn’t be a problem
    alcohol and cigarettes do more harm from what it seems to me, but just my

  22. Andrew Scolak says:

    At the top left in the closoet it looked like you had a dead body.

  23. Tommy Hitchcock says:

    Marijuana’s active chemicals are not only THC. THC (such as in the
    synthetic form) is pretty inactive by itself, so the synthetic Cancer drug
    is pretty useless from what I have heard. There are a lot of THC-like
    terpenes in marijuana that regulate the effects of the THC. The two most
    common and researched are CBN and CBL. The “medical” strains are higher in
    those chemicals.
    Marijuana chemistry is really complex, and like you said, poorly

  24. Voltion99 says:

    I support the law. Do not legalize it.

  25. Hakudohshi says:

    Personally I’m just sick of police officers filling their monthly quotas by
    calling in swat teams on teenagers who have a few joints. The incredible
    waste of money in law enforcement that the drug war has created is
    disgusting in my opinion.

  26. BRNKoINSANITY says:

    Joints have many times more tar and harmful chemicals than tobacco cigs
    do… Some of this can be cut to great extent with regulation, but in the
    end if you are against cigs you can’t be for marijuana. Both have a
    chemical that alters your state of mind, both do the same damage to your
    lungs etc, and both are addictive to some extent. I don’t really understand
    how you can be for one and against the other.

  27. FiMFlamFilosophy says:
  28. abopfred says:

    Marijuana is to cigarettes as alcohol is to coffee. In the vaguest sense
