ObamaCare, explained to the Young Naive ladies.

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October 1, 2013
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October 2, 2013

ObamaCare, explained to the Young Naive ladies.ObamaCare, explained to the Young Naive ladies. Those who think ‘ObamaCare” is a type of panacea should ask more relevant questions such as: “If heath care h…


  1. ROCKOLA79 says:

    I would say your right around 100% correct…although i wish you were wrong….oh well i’ll just have to keep on stacken huh???

  2. 33commonsenseguy says:

    The Chinese and South Koreans are some of the most racist out there . Maybe you should get out more ?

  3. syyenergy7 says:

    Yep, that’s my point. Obamacare has big support generally with young women. If they want affordable health care they should use more plants to heal people with. Look at the benefits of cannabis oil against cancer. They’d lose $ billions but the people would be the winners.

  4. syyenergy7 says:

    Weed is a subset of hemp.

  5. syyenergy7 says:

    Well I ain’t one, there “genius”.

  6. syyenergy7 says:

    Take your harassment elsewhere, “friend”.

  7. syyenergy7 says:

    Yeah, it’s going to really screw people over. Too bad these idiot “conservatives” could not just lay out the whole truth, about cannabis and everything else. They are too scared to.

  8. syyenergy7 says:

    He’s playing games.

  9. red9man2130 says:

    Dr. Royal Rife check him out as well. You are very well informed!

  10. syyenergy7 says:

    There are plenty of articles that say Obama is cracking down on medical marijuana. Articles appear in the Washington Post, Rolling Stone magazine, Huffington Post, and on the website “cannabisculture (dot) c o m ) and in many. many other places.

  11. John Smith says:

    Yeah we met with Netanyahu after the Obama meeting

  12. syyenergy7 says:

    Pssst. Get lost , Idiot. You got to be some Islamic Kook, that wants to dictate their way on people. Islam is just a worst form of Nazism.

  13. pedro aponte says:

    I didn’t know Mohammed was a rapist.
    Is this documented?

  14. syyenergy7 says:

    What policies? haha. He’s OWNED and plays along. He’s “Uncle Tom Obama”.

  15. syyenergy7 says:

    China is playing another method. You are NAIVE as all hell. China will screw over Africa, watch.

  16. IsraelPimpsWest says:

    According to South African president, China never colonized Africa but the racist empires(US, UK and france) slaved and raped Africa!
    Once again here is the proof
    Could you also provide proof the way I do

  17. neanam m says:

    Hemp and weed is the same thing? anybody?

  18. syyenergy7 says:

    Go live NORTH Korea and Enjoy ! haha

  19. IsraelPimpsWest says:

    Muhammad Ali was not a child molester but he did make the racists pull out of Vietnam and end the draft! He defeated racist America and made Black people get their first class citizenship! Mr Obama Hussein never could be in the white house without Ali fighting for the right of his people
    And I do not worship Muhammad Ali, my idol is actually Bruce Lee, but I still do not worship him, although I worship God to help China to become 1000 times stronger than all the racist countries combined

  20. Jason Hoover says:

    Let me guess he works in the insurance industry that wants to line his pockets with peoples’ over payments on their premiums!

  21. pedro aponte says:

    Mohammed was a rapist?

  22. mrgearheadfromhell says:

    Homeopathic medicine works, but we can’t have that because big government doesn’t make any money off it. They don’t care if you use drugs as long as you buy those drugs from them. And they have no interest in curing anything, there’s no money in a cure, the money is in treating the symptoms for the rest of your life. As long as you can pay you can live, if you can’t pay your going to die.

  23. commonlaw man says:

    Illegal pot= a slave begging his slave master for a privilege .
    Lawful pot= a sovereign freeman exercising his unalienable right to pursue happiness using a god given plant as long as he doesn’t harm anyone else or infringe on anyone rights.
    which one are you.????.
    Your rights are unalienable unless your a moron who gives them up .

  24. syyenergy7 says:

    I don’t know. Maybe the articles are wrong. They are recent articles in 2013 though.

  25. 33commonsenseguy says:

    Stanley Monteith has refuted the claims of “evil Zionism” .

  26. 989Bigboss says:

    political athiest.

  27. beauzer36 says:

    Right on. Love your vids, man.

  28. maximusart says:

    marijuana has never been legal in California after it was banned in 1938.(using ur data) .. So Californians have no recourse if the feds come in. There are places in California that have shops where they sell medical marijuana and there is one county in northern Cali where the local city council has all but legalized it and the police turns a blind eye to it but they don’t have a law like WA or CO.

    In CO each person can grow six plants/1lb. In WA you can have up to 1 ounce legally. State Law.

  29. RndmMexican says:

    CBD to be exact.

  30. maximusart says:

    Obama/holder are not cracking down on pot in states where it is legal. I live in Washington state .. I stopped your video @ 3:27.. That is a FALSE statement. I watched the votes on this bc I might buy some marijuana stocks and I followed the news on this and our liquor control board is setting up rules for the business owners and it was just announced that our governor and the U.S. A.G. office came to an agreement that state laws would be used for CO. and WA. w/out the feds involvement.

  31. syyenergy7 says:

    Next thing you will demand the burning off of clitorises on young women as part of ObamaCare. Take your Fake “religion”, that is a vicious hateful political movement (Islam) and go to hell.

  32. IsraelReplaceUSA2012 says:

    Why didn’t you give your answer on what you think about Judaism?
    Also, you lie Russia is against Islam, but then avoid the question of Why Russia supports Iran and not Amerikkka and Israel!
    You call other terrorists when you openly support terrorism!
    For example; If you had a time machine, who would you have supported in the 1980’s?
    I would support the Russians, now who would u have supported?

  33. IsraelPimpsWest says:

    Do you hate Obama because of his policies or skin color & religion?

  34. Jaye Blasphemy says:

    What is this a weed head lol whatever weed hes on I don’t won’t it he sound like a crackhead lol

  35. syyenergy7 says:

    Actually, You sound like a total crack-head, bubba. 

  36. John Smith says:

    This guy commenting is a real scientist. SYY’s talking about the Prophet Mohammed (rapist) not Muhammad Ali, figures you would love Obama. Bruce Lee was a star in America first then Hong Kong, never could’ve been a star in China. China would kill you and I in a heartbeat.

  37. syyenergy7 says:

    I’m Not talking about Muhammad Ali.. Holy shit.

  38. ROCKOLA79 says:

    Health care is a racket that they have run with for how long??? Over 100 yrs,now their looking to expand on the racket to bring the #s down as they usher in the you know what…nwo……………

  39. syyenergy7 says:

    That’s not what I read about for the State of California.

  40. maximusart says:

    I know what you are talking about but it is not legal there and/or the state had loose regulations on this and they came in. But where like our state .. our citizens voted to legalize marijuana not some medical card carry situation with loose regulation.

    This is more like ending alcohol prohibition and CO has a better law than WA bc each person can grow their own pot at home with no supervision. If these other states had laws to legalize and regulate, the feds would back off like in our states

  41. IsraelReplaceUSA2012 says:

    Stick with 1 account mossad agent, until then I won’t stick with 1
    South K are Amerikkkan puppets! You know this more than anyone else!!

  42. syyenergy7 says:

    Btw, Why do you worship a child-molester and rapist like Mohammed ? You a Hater?

  43. syyenergy7 says:

    Got news for ya. China is Racist.

  44. Jason Hoover says:

    Did he do any research? I don’t think so. He is just like the media, believing everything they hear.

  45. ravikingwrath23 says:

    I hate Oblahblah because he’s a piece of shit, not because he looks like one…
    Uncalled for? Maybe, but such an obtuse perception of policies and blurring Hitlerian governance with race is utterly repulsive.
    Truly, I don’t think anyone can understand what this guy’s true religion is…he certainly doesn’t do Christian things, and he’s an insult to Muslims.
    Go jump off a bridge IsraelPimpsWest.

  46. IsraelPimpsWest says:

    I have no time for you mossad agent! Does this person from Florida know your an Israeli agent with blood on your hand?
