MEDICAL MARIJUANA??? – Jan 3, 2015

Why Would You Do That?? – 50 Honey Cruller Timbit Challenge *Vomit Alert*
January 5, 2015
January 5, 2015

soooo…today’s video is sure to cause quite the stir. same day previous three years: 2012 – CAR VLOGS WITH SURPRISE GUEST 2013 – LAST DAY IN NYC …


  1. Loretta Neustaeter says:

    I can’t believe there are still ppl out there that think that just because
    you (or anyone) is gay that it gives them the right to do anything. This is
    2015 ppl it doesn’t make any difference wether you are gay straight black
    white or a freaking pink and purple dinosaur. We all have rights and to
    love who we choose is our God given right. Rant over!! Ps. I hope you liked
    the cookies I tweeted you yesterday. Love to you both

  2. Madee Wolf says:

    So what caused your PTSD? My best friend has it too….

  3. sassysarah6594 says:

    I personally don’t smoke weed, but I’m not opposed to others smoking it. If
    you think it’ll help you I don’t see why not, just be considerate about it.
    My major issue with weed is the smell so I wouldn’t want it in my house but
    as long as RJ doesn’t have a problem with the sent I don’t see a problem in
    smoking it, but if he does there are other alternatives. You need to do
    what you think is best for you.

  4. Notyoureverydayidiot says:

    Will, I think that you should do whatever you need to do in order to better
    your psychological well being and if that entails a legal medical marijuana
    prescription, then I’m sure that all of us will be behind you 100%.

    And if anyone is hindering your progress by going against what could help
    you…the fuck them.

  5. Cesar Parzianello says:

    I just can’t believe someone would go to the lengths of attacking your
    internet because you’re gay. People can be so stupid! I swear, years upon
    years of wars, piles and piles of dead people, countless years of misery
    upon the human race and we still haven’t learned to accept our freaking

  6. thickernell says:

    As a Libertarian, I believe in the decriminalization of drugs anyway. But
    that doesn’t change the fact they can be addictive, especially to certain
    people. Since you believed you were having a problem with alcohol, I’d just
    be concerned that you and doctors remain aware of any tendency to over use
    medical marijuana if you go on it. But that’s what makes legalization so
    good; you get professional medical oversight instead of doing it yourself
    from a street dealer.

  7. darkzomb says:

    Im no expert, but from what I have read, medical grade marijuana has
    different chemical ratios than the stuff you buy behind walmart. medical
    marijuana is cultivated to have less of some of the high inducing
    compounds, and more of the compounds that ease various conditions. 

  8. David Kennington says:

    I am really curious about what the counsellor said. Here in the UK, they
    are not professionals with a medical qualification and therefore would not
    be able to diagnose PTSD.

    If that is also the case in the US, then hopefully they did not say that
    you have PTSD, as that would be deeply worrying.

    It is, of course, up to you what you do about the marijuana, but I am
    wondering how that fits with wanting to achieve lots of goals this year. I
    am curious if that will have to be put back. Also, I admire your honesty,
    but wonder what a future employer of you might think if they come across
    this video, would it be harmful to a possible job?

  9. liwi says:

    To Will: I say go for it! Weed is one of the worlds oldest used medicines;
    people who are against it are really just brainwashed by society/the media
    to think that weed will give you “reefer madness” and whatnot, but no one
    has ever died from smoking weed. Also, medical weed has been shown to help
    hundreds of different medical conditions (especially people with chronic
    pain), and is impossible to overdose. Not saying it’s going to fix all your
    problems, but you should definitely consider it and think about it.

  10. Jose Wall says:

    I think you should see a secund opinion and if is there another kind of
    medication that you could try, try it first and if anything works then try
    this… But i thing there are others options before MM… 

  11. rhysf99 says:

    What happened to him as a child 

  12. shep689 says:

    so…what are you guys’ thoughts on medical marijuana?

  13. edwin parra says:

    If it’s for your health than go for it!

  14. D.O. The Gaming Guy says:

    I smoke recreationally on occasion. It won’t affect your YT content
    whatsoever nor will it affect you too much. Medical marijuana has a low THC
    content which means that it won’t get you high like you see in movies or tv
    shows (in reality, most strains won’t do that anyway). However, don’t drive
    or anything like that until your body builds up a bit of a resistance. And
    don’t drive if you’re smoking it recreationally! Tbh, you may not even feel
    it or get high from medical strains. You may just feel relaxed or really
    freakin hungry.
    Moderation and caution are your best friends when smoking weed or drinking
    alcohol. You are given a specific amount to consume over a period of time
    (just like a pill), but don’t go crazy with it. It will help ease the
    symptoms of PTSD, Anxiety, and similar mental health issues. If you do
    decide to do it, be careful with it if you have asthma. 

  15. mobeus timestreamer says:

    some people inhale toxic gasses that include pesticide gass,tar , and
    petroleum variants for fun.We call those people smokers and photograph them
    in alluring body stances because having poison in your mouth is considered
    cool ,rebelious and sexy. But alas if someone smokes something that has not
    been patented by major multinationals (yet?) that is equally or probably
    less dangerous than cigarrettes and even maybe beneficial! everyone loses
    their minds.that’s propaganda for you.

  16. Fazz says:


    1. This fine day starts with Dobby Licking the left pant leg of Will’s
    sweat pant shorts.
    Will then talks about yesterday’s therapy intake. RJ interjects and he and
    Will point out that it’s important to not wait, and postpone seeking help
    if you feel that you have a problem. Will tells us that the therapist told
    him that he has a clear case of PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). He
    was diagnosed several times for PTSD, but chose not to take any major steps
    to deal with it. Due to that fact, Will says that the symptoms of PTSD have
    reared their ugly head recently, in several ways.
    The direction of Will’s speech, takes an interesting turn, when he tells us
    that the therapist offered to prescribe him MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Will and RJ
    discuss this, about whether or not to actually consider this course of
    action. They point out that this was suggested by a physician
    (psychiatrist) and that they should at least consider that kind of thing,
    and not simply abandon it. But they are also aware, as they continue, that
    Marijuana is a very contentious topic, and could rile a lot of people up.
    And because they share so much with us, they’d have to share that (effects
    of marijuana, through Will’s experience) too.
    2. Cut to RJ giving Will a Goodbye kiss at the computer because Mr. Cuba
    2016 is going to get his awesome pump on! They flex in front of each other
    in several odd, and contorted ways, looking like they’re mimicking
    chimpanzees, or practicing choreography for an upcoming Beyonce dance off.
    All this done through a Charades style, no sounds (except for the sounds
    made by RJ’s windbreaker). (Quite frankly, it felt like I was watching a
    scene from Swan Lake; truly breath-taking). Will finishes the send off by
    gesturing having a penis cum all over his face. Camera pans to RJ’s face,
    which is expressing both shock and arousal. RJ then does some gestures of
    his own. He mimes “Not now, I’m gonna go, but later, later, I’ll……” The
    camera pans again to RJ’s crotch with which he gestures face fucking Will.
    Then he gestures that he’ll cum on his thigh. (I think). Pan to Will who,
    gives a nod of approval. (FUCK, I feel like I’m narrating a Corbin Fisher
    scene LMAO) These two are made for each other. Filthy minds and all. Gotta
    love it!
    3. Cut to much later that day, and to the kitchen. The guys are feeding the
    Dobster some peanut butter and meds. And obviously as we know from before
    speaking to Dobby in baby voices, which as usual confuses the heck out of
    the poor guy. Hahahaha the guys then try to explain the gap in recording.
    It was due to RJ going to the Gym, then coming back home, at which point he
    and Will did some brain storming about Minecraft. RJ is getting into
    Minecraft, so all the peeps wanting that will be very happy.
    4. The guys then take us to town where people are removing the Christmas
    stuff, which RJ finds odd, and compares it to Limbo, since it’s between two
    things. RJ tells us that Will needs some new fancy clothes for Wednesday,
    so they go to Top Man. We don’t get to come. But we do get to go with them
    to a HUGE Barnes and Noble.
    RJ quickly pans the camera to some literature about Marijuana, and tells
    Will that he should read it. Then asks Will if he’s considering trying out
    Medical Marijuana. Will hasn’t decided yet.
    The guys are very aware of the hot blooded emotions of the Shepsexuals, and
    know that there will be a battle in the comments field between two sides,
    pro and against. (I say let the Battle begin, as long as everyone
    understands that it’s Will’s choice, and not theirs).
    5. We go back to the apartment, where RJ expresses how proud he is of Will.
    They had apparently gone to Cheesecake Factory, and Will did not have any
    fizzy drinks. It’s his second day. But the poor thing has a raging head
    ache, which he thinks is because he quit. Rj feels like he’s inspired by
    6. RJ then takes Dobby out on a night walk.
    7. They come back home, and the guys tell us that Dobby had a seizure at
    the end of the walk. A full blown one. Dobby is told to go to his crate,
    and is comforted by the guys, who are worried that Dobby could be a danger
    to himself, because he’s so energetic after a seizure, but is “out of it”
    and could hurt himself.
    8. We end the day in the boys’ room. Will tells us that he played a
    Minecraft game, and their internet connection was attacked by a group of
    people because he had a rainbow bandana on. They admitted on twitter that
    they did it because he was gay. (FUCKING ASSHOLES). Will chooses to sleep
    with the bandana on, to show them that they can just fuck off, and that he
    won’t let himself be affected by them. He finds them pathetic, and I think
    we all do.

    Will I’ll just say my opinion on the Marijuana thing.
    You should definitely think about it. Personally I’m not for or against it.
    Both my brothers have smoked Marijuana and seem quite “out of it”, when
    they do. I think that it’s often about how one chooses to do it, and in
    what company one is.
    The advice your therapist gave you is legit, and that’s why you need to
    seriously consider it, i.m.o. But do some research (unbiased) before
    choosing anything, either way.
    I’ve gone through PTSD myself (due to being a refugee as a kid from a war
    torn nation, Bosnia). I didn’t smoke Marijuana, but instead had some anti
    anxiety medication (Attarax) and some SSRI medication (Sertralin, Oralin),
    alongside some very good PTSD treatments, and Cognitive behavioral therapy.
    And it got out of it. That was my path, and it may not necessarily be yours.
    So do some research before going further. 🙂

    Love you both. You always make my days end on a great note. You inspire me!

  17. Jason Bathurst says:

    I don’t really have any opinion on the pot issue other than if it helps
    you, do it. BUT just you talking about PTSD has got me thinking that maybe
    a lot of my issues, bad habits, addictions that have developed later on in
    my life stem from traumatic events I lived with growing up. Crazy how it
    just clicked tonight when you were talking about it.

    And the internet devils… keep your head up. And F*&K them! Pathetic.

  18. lifeaccordingtosally says:

    As someone who has been sexually assaulted and dealt with PTSD, I think
    anything that helps you that doesn’t harm you or harm others is okay. Only
    you can decide what you are comfortable with, but I have found on my
    journey to inner peace with my bad past that sometimes you have to try
    things out of your comfort zone. For me, antidepressants and weekly therapy
    really worked. It was not a simple fix. It took a long time. But when I
    opened my mind to medication, my life transformed for the better. Maybe
    medical marijuana will be that transformation for you. I do not live in a
    state where it is legal, but with a doctor monitoring and helping you, it
    seems like a safe option. Wish you all the best of luck with it,


  19. Cameron Phillips says:

    the fact is, Marijuana should be legal. 

  20. sara gibson says:

    I have smoked marijuana for years.. I currently do not use because of
    pregnancy since it is not legal in the state of WV as of yet.. the fact of
    the matter is, a human body can consume as much as an Oz in a day and still
    not overdose. Might get sick as hell and vomit, but you will not overdose.
    Yet these medications that are manufactured are ok when the list of side
    effects are endless. I believe the government is against it for many
    reasons that have nothing to do with it being a drug.. it would replace
    many medicines that would put many companies (hundreds of thousands if not
    millions) in turmoil.. it can help with almost anything when ill..

    I understand concern. But it’s free will. I don’t understand why other
    people kill themselves with concern over others actions. It’s doing nothing
    for you but creating a headache and bad blood. I may not agree with meth,
    crack, etc.. but I’ll be damned if I’mma sit here and cause myself to have
    a headache over someone elses is doing. Lol. I have a life to live! And a
    lot more things to worry about! The worst damage it can do to your body
    involves the lungs if smoked…other than that, it doesn’t do half of the
    damage manufactured medications can do on one persons body and sometimes

    Yet, the debate will never end and everyone is entitled to their own

  21. Cristian Gonzalez says:

    I think it’s great that Will is open to this form of therapy, and I think
    it’s brave that he is so truthful sharing this on video.

    However, there are so many ppl in California that abuse the system. This
    guy got an actual prescription from a doctor, while other ppl just buy
    their medical marijuana cards to use it recreationally for fake problems.
    Those ppl give the medicinal use of the herb a really bad rep. 

  22. Jonathan Michael Acha says:

    Uhm did the doctor considered antidepressants?

  23. Leah Courier says:

    I have PTSD as well as Rheumatoid Arthritis so this is a question that I
    have had to think about as well. My suggestion would be to look at options
    that don’t require smoking it. I currently will add a little to my tea bag
    and it helps take the edge off my pain without feeling stoned. Eventually I
    may need to consider using it with a vaporizer as my pain gets worse and
    requires more to control it. For me it works with my hyper vigilance,
    anxiety as well as my pain. I would suggest trying it and seeing how it
    works for you. A friend had me start with using it in my tea because she
    knew i was a little leery of trying it. 

  24. Kim Degris says:

    As far as medical marijana goes, it’s hardly unprecedented that something
    that is normally poison can have medical benefits if refined and dosed
    correctly. Definitely get a second opinion though. 

  25. RichardReads says:

    Fuck what everyone thinks, if you need the medical weed then you need it.
    Everyone that has a problem with it can eat shit. Done. 

  26. CAATMAN1 says:

    2:11 like, yaaaah. preferably psych professionals OUTSIDE of CALIFORNIA
    (and not from Colorado)

  27. TheGriffinZone says:

    I believe that if it will help, then do anything necessary to help you.
    It’s all for the good and like RJ said you aren’t promoting, you’re just
    going to take care of some problems. Marijuana isn’t bad unless people use
    it as something bad. If you are using it to take care of yourself, then you
    are using it correctly and it’s beneficial. The shepsexuals stand by you no
    matter what decision you make Will. Love you guys, I wish you guys the

  28. DevonDoesGames says:

    What makes medical marijuana worse than an anti-depressant? I would like us
    all to think about that. They are both medicine. Every physical body reacts
    to medicines differently, and as long as it doesn’t harm someone more than
    it helps them or lead to the harm of others, I am supportive of any choice
    a person makes.

  29. Andre Gardner says:

    Do what makes you better, Will. I mean, you’re an adult with a medical
    condition for which you’ve been prescribed, versus folks who go to a sham
    doctor and get a prescription for a fake back ache.
    Anyone who takes issue with your self-care doesn’t care about you. And you
    don’t need that person in your life because they don’t have you best
    interests at heart.

  30. Pamela Seay says:

    Will, did you know there are aspartame free diet sodas? Also, I’m ignorant
    about marijuana usage but have heard good things regarding medical use, but
    I know that smoking anything is bad for your health in general. Is there a
    way to get the benefit of it without smoking? Again, I’m not educated
    about this.

  31. soundlyawake says:

    It’s a super simple answer: people who are against it are miseducated. And
    probably hypocritical if they’re negatively referring to marijuana as a
    drug, yet have alcohol, or tobacco, or coffee, or soda, or any other
    caffeinated beverage. 

  32. Jacob Alexander says:

    Oh I love when the topic of smoking medical Marijuana comes up. Instantly
    tons of people have a bunch of ignorant opinions OR they like to sound
    smart. Both end up being rude. When, all in all, Will smoking weed is his
    business and it’s unfortunate that he has to hesitate to do something he
    considers fitting for his life because he doesn’t want to deal with the
    back lash of strangers. 

  33. David Maciewicz says:

    Well you were already smoking it yesterday. 

  34. MrRepzion says:

    Just make sure its ‘good’ weed, lol. I say go for it. If people get upset
    over you having medical marijuana, then they need to change their

  35. NerdSphereReal says:

    Just wondering could today’s seizure been because of the fire truck lights?
    I saw Dobby look at them and got worried and low and behold he had a
    seizure :-\ 

  36. Chinue Isaacs says:

    Omg reading some of the comments….you do not have to smoke hw can get it
    on the form of candy such as gummy bears or in baked goods like muffins or
    cookies. Medicinal marijuana really helps. I kno someone who child has
    cancer and is constantly in pain her mom gives her medicinal marijuana in
    the form of tea and she is doing significantly better 

  37. Serafini Gaunt says:

    Lol those girls were following R.J. in the library 5:24

  38. Jordan Gwynne says:

    Fuck those people who did that

  39. Thomas James says:

    i know this was a serious topic to talk about and i support you but all i
    was thinking was ‘is RJ wearing a onesie?’

  40. emiliostrange says:

    i am very much pro using medicinal plants – be that marijuana or other
    stuff. usually the meds are much less harmful for the body and i myself
    only had good experiences with medicinal plants…

    i sure seewhy there’s fuss about the medicinal marijuana but i don’t think
    it’s necessary. the additcion potential is far less than the one of alcohol
    … or headachepills for that matter… and maybe it will even help with
    the headaches will has.

    anyway. if your therapist says you should try it – i wouldn’t say no. if it
    doesn’t help, you could still stop again.

  41. DevonDoesGames says:

    2:24 – 2:52 = the best thing I have ever seen on this channel LOL

  42. Marcelo Pino says:

    I say go for it. At the end of the day this is about your health and what
    is best for you. Every society has its own drugs that they glorify but
    nothing says that it has to be good. Just think about the amount of
    stimulants out there that are basically poison for your body. Weed in that
    case isn’t, as long as it isn’t taken with tabaco which infact isn’t good
    for your body but very legal. So it is all a matter of perspective. Find
    solutions to your problems and not more problems for your problems. Best of
    luck to you Will 🙂 <3

  43. Kody Boye says:

    A few thoughts:

    – Someone mentioned diet soda without aspartame. If you need the caffeine,
    Diet Rite doesn’t have asparetame, and they make a brand of Diet Coke that
    uses Splenda.

    – That whole silent conversation was awesome.

    – To anyone shaming Will based on his interest in MM, Google ‘PTSD brain
    pictures.’ PTSD is often thought of as something that can be ‘wished away.’
    PTSD inflicts actual damage to the brain. Also — if you have a mental
    health condition (i.e., like me, with Bipolar) and you don’t receive
    treatment, you can do so much harm to your body. 

  44. carolette brown says:

    Hey Will- as a mental health worker I would suggest getting a second
    opinion. Don’t know if you are still on meds for A.D.D and also consider
    your aneurysm because those could be contraindications. From my experience
    we don’t really recommend cannabis for patients because it’s a hallucinogen
    among other things. But I know it has benefits for some medical conditions.
    But Like I said consider consulting other HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS before
    making any decisions.(remember the Dr who didn’t know what an aneurysm

  45. xXSayHiToEmmyXx says:

    Not sure if this will help or if you already knew this or if this had
    nothing to do with it at all, but for many people and animals with epilepsy
    flashing lights sometimes trigger seizures. Maybe the fire truck caused it
    a little? Idk, but I hope Dobby will find a way to become stable<3 As for
    you Will, do what you feel you need to do. As long as you speak with your
    doctor, I say go for it (: 

  46. Dan PetersonTaylor says:

    I have only watched 1 minute so far. YOU must do what is in your best
    interest, we are not your doctor. we are not your Judge. We are just people
    watching from the outside, thank you both for sharing your lives with us/ME!
    One word of warning, not about a med, but when you leave California, It not
    a med but a money making thing for the justice system.

    If I had the headaches or something that that RX would help control, I
    would sell everything and move.
    Hugs to both of you and Dobby!

  47. Jeff B says:

    I’m so sorry for the attack. It’s no secret that exposure thru the web
    opens up the possibility of abuse. And the dog doesn’t help your stress
    level. It’s a real test whether an animal can handle not being directly
    addressed without a camera. I sometimes feel a pack animal like Dobbie
    might feel confused being confronted with a camera at the same time as
    functioning with owners. Maybe you should consult an animal expert in
    human/canine communications and see if your constant camera exposure isn’t
    affecting the dog. I know I would be annoyed by constantly being filmed
    while trying to have a personal relationship with someone. At one point I
    would have to say “Just turn the thing OFF! Just a thought…

  48. Sean Kelly says:

    I think that you started this channel so there was a window into the life
    of a gay couple and show that a gay couple is not much different then a
    straight one. And I think that if you do decide to use medical marijuana
    for your PTSD then you should decide that based on how you feel, not wether
    or not subscribers will agree with it. Because that is your life and it’s
    honest and it seems like that’s what you set out to do with this channel.
    So I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.

  49. Nova Stella says:

    I have no problem with marijuana because the first time I tried it I got so
    sick that I thought I was going to die. Since then the slightest smell of
    that thing makes me feel like puking. It must’ve been a psychological
    reaction due to my deeply engrained prejudice against drugs. When I was
    10-11 my first crush was a stunning guy who used to cycle near my house, he
    was 17yo or something but as time passed he looked more and more wretched,
    so dirty that seemed he had pissed on his pants he wouldn’t talk to
    anyone. When I asked my mom what happened with him she told me he was a
    drug addict. That ended up being the most convincing anti-drug message the
    universe sent me.
    On the other hand, I have friends that use it to boost their creativity and
    they look healthy and happy. So, at the end of the day that’s an utterly
    personal choice, Nobody knows you better than you and if things started
    going wrong your fiance would alert you that marijuana is causing you harm
    rather than good.
    Good luck anyway.
    (♥ε♥) (♥ε♥) (♥ε♥)
    P.S.: Although I’m not into self-help books, I highly (pun intended)
    recommend that you read “Your Erroneous Zones” by Wayne W. Dyer. That book
    helped my mom to pass through her troubled teen years. Even though the book
    is very dated, it’s pretty helpful.

  50. jcthejazzmaster says:

    Will, I have mixed feelings about marijuana, for what it’s worth. That is,
    i have not moral problem with it. It’s just, I have an anxiety condition,
    and PTSD, or at least i had PTSD. I got panic attacks, which were
    horrible. So I’m sure pot could have helped me. On the other hand, i
    noticed it made me lazy after a while too, or unambitious. The thing is,
    the human brain is a bunch of chemicals, and if the chemicals are not just
    right on, this affects mood and behavior. So, utilizing outside chemicals
    (ssri, pot, whatever) can be helpful. The only question is are there any
    side effects that are not good for you? you know what, just try it, that
    is the only way you can know. Personally, i went through a couple of
    antidepressants until i found the one that has truly helped me. I don’t
    have panic attacks anymore, but that doesn’t mean i am recommending
    antidepressants. I guess what I’m saying is: try it, and if it doesn’t
    work for you for whatever reason, then drop it. But what if it does? by
    the way, this doesn’t have to be a permanent thing. maybe you would only
    want it to help you for a temporary amount of time. My best, and good luck
    with this. Don’t get discouraged because I have experienced this, and I
    know what it’s like. Jeff
