Life After 30 The Short Road – Today Is Still A Bad Day For Me – Titanfall Hardpoint Domination Beta

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February 23, 2014

Life After 30 The Short Road - Today Is Still A Bad Day For Me - Titanfall Hardpoint Domination BetaThis Is A Spinoff Series of My Road To 30 Called Life After 30: The Short Road! In this series I’ll give you short commentaries about my personal experiences…


  1. Jonathan Volle says:

    Thank you.

  2. Richard Tabatt says:

    mak this is tengushoes i told you that you could stay on my couch during
    stream just wanted to say you are a badass keep your head up you got a lot
    of us in your corner we luv ya brotha thank you for sharing your life with

  3. alex brown says:

    I feel for u jay my life was shitty aswell like times wene I was homeless
    or spending a day without food and I lost my dad in a car accident then my
    mom took her life because she couldn’t take it, it was a really tough time
    for me but somehow I managed and life got abit better.

  4. assassin1297 says:

    always love to see a new road to thirty update. I still remember the
    original video pretty vividly, still sorry for your loss. You should
    definitely keep up this series, it has really helped me out with my life. 

  5. Walter O'Dim says:

    that was pretty heartfelt… May things continue to keep getting better for
    you, Mak

  6. FallenTitan says:

    Hey mak I was in the stream last night and now I get why you were not
    talking and it was great with or without you talking (not in a bad way) :)

  7. Caleb Denny says:

    My great grandmother died today. I mean I wasn’t that close to her but it
    still hurts to lose a loved one

  8. Kyle Davis says:

    MAK I’m sorry about what happen to you I know hoe you fell my girlfriend of
    6 and half months committed suicide and this hated a year ago but I’m ok
    with it because the happens to be a lot of death in my life and the point
    of me tell you this is because I know how you fell and wat your going
    through and I just wanted to tell you take it one day at a time 

  9. juan vasquez says:

    Wow man I didn’t know… depression is hard for everyone Remember struggle
    is the nature of all success… 

  10. ThK Nova says:

    Good video Mak. Hope you had an alright time with coping the day. <3(no
    homo) ;)

  11. john suarez says:

    Sorry for your loss man.Watched the road to 30 and almost cried.

  12. Diablo Valentine says:

    Jay, I know your feel. I also lost a loved one. She didn’t die or nothing,
    but she was my soulmate. She was my first kiss. I was 7, now im 14. One day
    she was informed by her parents that their house was costing too much, they
    had to move. We said our goodbyes, I havent seen or heard from her sense. I
    cried for a month almost. I really miss her. ;_;

  13. Pablo Penguin says:

    man i remmember the last one i hate the guy who did that to u sorry i know
    how u feel he needs to be punished

  14. mathew alder says:

    can anyone dupe an op8 ogre or fire norfleet having a tuff time getin it
    psn:ToxiCHarvesteR thanks

  15. Bear Bauer says:

    Probably one of my favorite youtubers cause of how much heart you got, keep
    it up bro, I’ll be here watching and supporting you til the end

  16. Ninjarock469 says:

    This video helped to cheer me up MAK because a couple weeks ago, I broke up
    with my first girlfriend that I actually had feelings for and everything.
    This helped me to see that things can get better :D

  17. Jack Dietz says:

    Hey MAK, were you ever close to yoteslaya? If so, do you miss him? I know I

  18. RadioActive Humer says:

    Thanks so much jay for making these videos. You’re my favorite youtuber.
    just watching your vids everyday keeps a smile on my face. that and weed cx
    but anyway thanks so much. Motherfucker.

  19. Andreas Sundstedt says:

    do you wunder if u kud don somthing els so she diden´t comit suicide

  20. Steven Hudson says:

    I remember those gci vids. Hope you make it through the day okay.

  21. Alex Rikess says:

    road to 30 is my favorite series on youtube ever. you stories have helped
    me a lot jay

  22. logan feher says:

    MAK I listen to this and it makes me happy that you don’t contain your
    feelings and u actually share them with us because people like me actually
    care about you dude and just let you know you have people to talk to but
    MAK we all <3 u just wanted to let you know your not alone 

  23. Lance Leonardi says:

    When my mom passed away, it was said to me, “it doesn’t get easier to deal
    with; we just get stronger”. I believe that’s true. I mean, after losing
    someone you care about that deeply, what can really stack up against that?
    Plus, it spotlights the very temporary nature of life and the time we share
    with others, makes us want to make it good while it lasts. Ironic, that
    death enhances the thirst for life. Because of all of that, I think that,
    in a (perhaps indirect) way, she IS that force that’s making your life

    On kind of an offbeat note, I’ve got a recommendation for you. Kinda
    doubt musicals are your thing, but I’m serious about this song — helps
    with perspective on the loss of a loved one.

    Check out “For Good” from Wicked.

    My condolences, man. …but also, you’ve done well in turning a tragic
    event into growth — that’s the sign of a great person.

  24. Vinnie Gonzalez says:

    Yo MAK I just watched your Road To 30 and it is my favorite series and I
    must say you are one tough sob, massive respect man.

  25. Ronald Myer says:

    new subscriber here and your the one of the best out here in my fav list.
    keep up the great videos. 

  26. Jono Phipps says:

    Mak don’t you have a girlfriend and kids of your own now? 

  27. creeperman780 says:

    you are undoubtfully one of my favourite youtubers and you also got me into
    smoking kush and playing borderlands which are now my 2 favourite things.
    so id just like to say thank you 

  28. Quinn Ilapit says:

    My mom died four years ago on February 12th

  29. Will Ferguson says:

    I’m sorry man I wish the best for u

  30. Jackal Blades says:

    hey mornin, just want to say, youve been working hard and things are coming
    together for you. you got yourself to where you are, even if there was a
    helping hand in there, you still got yourself to where you are. how long
    did you go without missing a day posting a video? never expect a free pass
    on the rest of your life, plan as though you will fail that way you can
    still have a backup in place when things do go wrong.

    if a thing happens every second you should expect to see something thats
    1-in-a-million every 31 days

  31. Tacticalduck30 says:

    Mak you are the best youtube ever all the shit you have got past all the
    things that have happened you know what ever happens you got someone that
    looks out for you.

  32. Dan XY says:

    Jeez Mak, can’t believe how much you have grown since GCI!!! It’s still
    alive on PC, maybe we could get a quick game? Bring back the old days! :D

  33. Chrononightmare says:

    Stay strong man.

  34. xFWGCHAOS says:

    Your awesome man 

  35. The108Predator says:

    how would u feel if u had to kill a close friend because some terrorist
    captured u and told u to

  36. tim davis says:

    I really apreciate you mak for telling us this it makes me feel like I’m
    not the only one who have lost love ones thanks keep up the good work

  37. livetoboardteam says:

    Had to be my favorite series, great time watching it, Mack

  38. piztolfire18 says:

    i have lost loved ones in my life, my father and sister, but still they
    help us out
    when im down and out god bless you never ever loose ur family

  39. MorninAfterKill says:

    Just a little bit of an update to my Road To 30 and last years vid that
    started the entire Road to 30 series ‘Today is a bad day.’ Thank you all
    for the support, it really does mean a lot and is appreciated more than
    you’ll ever know! <3 MAK

  40. TheVoltageTheater says:

    We’re all here for you mak

  41. Anthony Prisco says:

    Mak you take as long as you need 

  42. logan graham says:

    My day was terrible, my parents found my weed stash

  43. twistedmezelf says:

    +1 support! enough said

  44. Shelly Mccoy says:

    Keep doing what your doing MAK. Love your channel been with you for couple
    of years now. You rock man!

  45. Bob Joe says:

    Mac I have been watching since Gotham city importers and all ur experiences
    helped me in my life Ty 

  46. Richard Reyna says:

    Hey J ,all i gotta say is thank you,i dont fully understand why im being
    overwhelmed with thoughts and younger than you but damn i feel
    you,i didnt know how influential you are to me.
    anyway i just hope youd see this,
    MR F.U.B.A.R
    (fucked up beyond all recognition) 

  47. Smotski Luv says:

    You ar defintetly the most inspiering ( sorry about my bad spelling) and
    underrated youtuber! I love you man, we all do !

  48. Hermelito says:


  49. kuroko says:

    Dedicating a day is a small thing you can do mak everything you go through
    makes you change you have my respect as a human not many people have that
    so sir keep doing what you love and keep up the great videos :)

  50. walid berdai says:

    Mak you sir are the best youtuber ever I feel sorry for u
    We will all way be here for u 
