Knottyy’s Purple Nepal x White Urkle Shatter BHO Video

The Ladies are Showing their SEX Day 60 update
July 26, 2013
Elizabeth Esty – Water Fluoridation & Medicinal Cannabis
July 26, 2013

Knottyy's Purple Nepal x White Urkle Shatter BHO VideoIf you have question please read the FAQ below before writing me. All questions asked that are answered in the video or in the FAQ will not be answered. Than…


  1. socalhippie hashman says:

    sick patty knotty.looks danky as fuck…mad props bro…..tgc/stankboyseeds…..

  2. meeoy777 says:

    How do u keep it from waxing up after purging that long ?

  3. knottyy says:

    I mostly smoke my own, but I trade from time to time or donate here and there. It’s good to keep touch with what others are doing.

  4. doug18104 says:

    Temps on FAQ

  5. coop931 says:

    thats cool man. i’ve never got to dab before so i love watching you make your stuff it looks so good lol

  6. qwerty42 says:


  7. smokinondatkeisha says:

    Sick Jesus right

  8. CustomGrow420 says:

    Knottyy would make a sweet jesus

  9. coop931 says:

    haha right on man

  10. sacara21 says:

    Unbleached parchment.

  11. SpaztallicA says:

    You my friend, are a champion.

  12. MassiveVaporClouds says:

    I have a couple questions if you don’t mind.. First things first.. Do you think if someone runs bomb nugs (trichs, smell, the whole nine yards) they’ll get back more than 10-15%??? Secondly, what is your temps you perg at? Then third, how long do you think your perg time was??? much respect and stay up

  13. doug18104 says:

    Great vid knottyy you’re the folding king! Hah, what type of paper are you using?

  14. eastsideboss808 says:

    Great informative videos my brother, keep them coming! Peace and Pot bro

  15. ChronicChino says:

    What do u do with it after u blast it? Do u let it sit in a dish of hot water if for how long?

  16. coop931 says:

    so since you make your own bho do you go to other collectives and try other peoples product or do you just smoke your own?

  17. bretjustianyeah says:

    B.e.a utiful

  18. aviationsquadmusic says:

    wow so amazed ppl dont read the f a q after he even says it in the vid

  19. SuperMediMan says:

    Farmer Joe PN?

  20. Shayna Lynn says:

    That’s some hype looking shatter for sure. BTW, WB Knottyy ;)

  21. HazyDays84 says:

    I wanna eat it like a jolly rancher lol

  22. MoeGreen420 says:

    Nice all around to the pictures.

  23. Whatchumean FERNY says:

    Where are the scrape videos knotty?!

  24. MrCraiggyT says:

    Click show more and read the FAQ , you mite find your answers in there. =)

  25. qwer ty says:

    The rock hard shatter is great for dunks man! fuck a dabber lol

  26. skateNtrees says:

    NICE! enjoying some nug cherry ak shatter!. follow me on IG for a dope high quality shatter feed DANKKNUGG account needs love

  27. artzachoke94 says:

    think you can use a heating mat on some chambers to get it like honeycomb?

  28. 1merlinp says:

    I WANT SCRAPE ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Scott Rowbotham says:


  30. Eric Justin says:

    Watch every vid u make. Wish u were closer to Chicago

  31. Good Timez says:

    what u think about rump wax and brutal bee extractions

  32. oneshotgrow says:

    knottyy have you started blasting directly on the parchment paper now?

  33. Killa Cams says:

    yea the jesus of oil lol, he washes ur sins with dabs lol

  34. William Foster says:

    I’m Always finding myself drooling over these videos. Wish I could smell it!

  35. B A JONES says:

    ok so wats that you’re purging on it doesnt look like oil slick nor parchment paper this is not on yo Q & A

  36. Humboldt710 says:

    Wow that is some gorgeous shatter!

  37. aviationsquadmusic says:


  38. MrRubenEsp says:

    free the weed!

  39. David Jefferson says:

    Knotty, have you tried blasting on or even heat purging on an oil slick or similar non-stick surface rather then using the parchment?

  40. wesley p says:

    vid is awesome as always. keep up the good work. it looks tasty =P

  41. JavaThePuff says:

    You should Definitely try it! like first time vaginal intercourse!! but twice as tasty

  42. MarijuanaSoldiers says:

    you are a god knotty. you make the nicest oil anywhere ive seen. what kind of pump do you use to vac with? and what is that hose and top setup on the huge soup pots. is that somthing one buys or makes?
