Knottyy’s Mendocino Purps x Church Shatter Video

Let’s Play – Unepic #49 [PC|Mac]
July 11, 2013
Medicinal Marijuana Growing Tips / Super Cropping
July 12, 2013

Knottyy's Mendocino Purps x Church Shatter VideoIf you have question PLEASE READ THE FAQ BELOW before writing me. All questions asked that are answered in the video or in the FAQ will not be answered. Than…


  1. Bear Grylls says:

    mendo purps is so tasty

  2. HazyDays84 says:

    Awww damn you Mario lol jk

  3. knottyy says:


  4. Richard Lopez says:

    @knottyy i love your videos homie iv learned so so much from you that’s real am working on shatter hard rock candy style,having a bit of trouble!


  5. b1010011010w says:

    Every time I get cotton mouth I just watch one of your videos and my mouth starts watering.

  6. MoeGreen420 says:

    That shit was shinning yo

  7. wicho93013 says:

    You can you check my video out! ? Its a review on a cheap vape pen that’s the same as a cloud but cheaper

  8. MrLonelyStoner says:

    Um screencap 2:58 because thats staight bling. Like omg dude

  9. mario juana says:


  10. HazyDays84 says:


  11. CloakedAnonymous says:

    Knottyy, I’m dying without your scrapes.

  12. Zachary Miller says:

    How long on average does your vac purge process last? Give or take.. It obviously varies per run
