JOHN NOVAK : 420Leaks Exposing the Truth Behind Marijuana Legislation

my first grow room Flowering into week 4 1000 watt hps grow
July 1, 2013
Huge Bubbler Rip
July 1, 2013

JOHN NOVAK : 420Leaks Exposing the Truth Behind Marijuana LegislationGuest: John Novak! website: Topic: Cannabis – Medical, Recreational, Industrial uses -International, US Federal and local laws on cannab…


  1. watertonrivers says:

    Great expose’. Many of us know that Cannabis and Hemp is a threat to not only the medical industrial complex but to establishment politics and business as usual in the Corporate world.

  2. Roxy Lopez says:

    Topic: Cannabis – Medical, Recreational, Industrial uses -International, US Federal and local laws on cannabis and how they have been used and abused by law enforcement in the USA. Medical benefits for epilepsy, cancer and US Patent 6630507

  3. peter smith says:

    awesome xx

  4. Roxy Lopez says:

    Glad you liked it!

  5. watertonrivers says:

    Cannabis is the real “Green Revolution”…

  6. Roxy Lopez says:

    John Novak also discusses GMO HEMP, how wrong is that?

  7. Roxy Lopez says:

