Genie Glass Inline & Phire Legacy

TrillTech: Seasoning the Titanium Domeless Nail (concentrate vaporizer)
July 24, 2013
Chem Dawg 4 and Pre-98 Bubba Kush Grow, Veg
July 25, 2013

Genie Glass Inline & Phire LegacyI got some new nugget, Really awesome fuzzy crystal kush. Check out my other vids and let me know what your blazing on! The music in the background is free a…


  1. LemThurdy420 says:

    Green Crack is always a great strain

  2. WxExExD420 says:

    Major stack no splash back awesome vid!

  3. LemThurdy420 says:

    Ok I can start doing that, thanks for the comment!

  4. Kevin Bakin says:

    Right now I have some northern lights and chocolope for flower and some super silver haze wax. I usually vaporizer my bud out of my da Buddha or I’ll hit a bong. I love BHO but I will never stop smoking flower

  5. Ashton Ponzer says:

    Good shit man keep it up. One piece of advice, and im not sure if its just me or what, but dont call us youtube. Act like your talking to a group of people instead of a camera i guess. Idk just my two cents. Either way keep up the vids.

  6. Clay Gaunt says:

    I just got a new mini bong it is hella dope and I’m smokeing green crack hahah shit fucked me hella hard
