Facts About Cannabis With Professor Hans Von Puppet

Girl Almost Drops .44 Cal Rifle!
May 27, 2013
SHOWTIME! Freestyle Cypher Radio
May 27, 2013

Facts About Cannabis With Professor Hans Von PuppetProfessor Hans Von Puppet talks about some cannabis facts and he explains a few things about the marijuana plant. He also gives his review about the best can…


  1. Richard McLaughlin says:

    here in FL we can’t we medically approved

  2. Rod Roc says:


  3. Michael Smolensky says:

    Prof. Hans Von Puppet speaks quickly. I had expected the zip420 spokesperson to be a more mellow character. Nevertheless, it’s clever. 🙂

  4. Rod Roc says:

    Thanks for your comment Kateryna however, I am going to have to disagree with you. I do not believe that cannabis is a “powerful drug” it is nothing more than a plant, which happens to have some medicinal benefits and has never been proven to have cause a single death. Please visit our blog for more facts about cannabis. 🙂

  5. thisusernamewasnttak says:


  6. Kateryna Kolkova says:

    As cannabis is a powerful drug, one should be careful to use only medically approved preparations after professional medical prescription.

  7. Michael Kornowski says:

    really good job

  8. Catherine White says:

    Informative, but needs to be supervised by a medical practioner. 

  9. Justin Pinter says:

    Great video!

  10. Rex Dow says:

    all the best

  11. Kateryna Kolkova says:

    I still would not use it without medical consultation. I am a scientist: biochemist and neurobiologist 🙂 (apart of being a life coach and blogger 🙂 )

  12. MadThradsReviews says:


  13. Jason Wagner says:

    Clever way of spreading the word

  14. Akansha Gautam says:


  15. Rob Zabel says:

    Hemp was used for powering the automobile that was experimental. 

  16. Carl Ashton says:

    cool puppet…controversial subject!

  17. Jason Wagner says:

    Very insightful

  18. Stewart Marshall says:

    Great video – good idea to use puppet 🙂
