Colorado marijuana business: We’re the Amsterdam of …

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December 27, 2013

Colorado marijuana business: We're the Amsterdam of ...The state of Colorado and many businesses there hope for millions in taxes and profit from legal sales of marijuana.


  1. James West says:

    Its a proud day

  2. Red Gold says:

    O but they don’t consider the way alcohol and pharmaceuticals kill/ruin
    thousands of life’s each year criminal. WTF is wrong with the people that
    lead us. 

  3. Anthony Arias says:

    Should have runned it for another 20 second s would have finished 4:20

  4. CannyBill CB says:

    Well sean im not sure if that made any sense but maybe you would agree that
    its about time this happened in a “Free” country.

  5. xsnut1 says:

    i’m moving…

  6. Spartan2288 says:

    Make it legal like alcohol or cigarets

  7. CaptainEO420 says:

