Cannabis UV T5 With HPS Grow – Part 4 Day 53

Funny High Guy Playing Black Ops 2 – “I Smoke on Mother Nature”
May 20, 2013
Birth of a Legend – Baked Goods (Bite-Sized)
May 20, 2013

Cannabis UV T5 With HPS Grow - Part 4 Day 53Part 5 of my supplemental UV lighting grow. With a few cheap product tips, veg update, and comment response. I hope this helps you grow better. Thanks for wa…


  1. WeedGrower WeedSmoker says:

    bad ass buds bro….whats the strain??

  2. MrKillAllTheLawyers says:

    BC Kush for the left one and Super Skunk on the right. Welcome to the channel!

  3. Joseph Smith says:

    Love it! Looks so clean.
