Cannabis Paste

Cannabis PasteWhy do you need corporately funded science when you have 4000 years of wisdom to back you up. Cannabis Paste is noted to be the most effective medication. Better then Cannabis Oil.


  1. Chef Derek Butt says:

    Cannabis Paste is very effective as an edible but is most effective when
    used as a lotion. 

  2. Andre Rosinski says:

    Thanks chef for sharing your knowledge with us. You do a great job

  3. Chef Derek Butt says:
  4. Carlos Gutierrez says:

    Great video Chef! i love when you show new ways to prosses the herb. keep
    it up!

  5. Mariano Salinas says:

    Exelent video!
    What do you think about acuaponic? It real works?

Vestibulum commodo volutpat posuere faucibus
May 8, 2014
AFG Day22
May 8, 2014