BREAKING NEWS Republican Grover Norquist Speaks Out Against Drug War at SSDP Lobby Day

1000 Watt hps Organic Medical Marijuana Harvest
June 21, 2013
Let’s Play – Unepic #39 [PC|Mac]
June 21, 2013

BREAKING NEWS Republican Grover Norquist Speaks Out Against Drug War at SSDP Lobby Day – News Jun 21st, 2013 – Please like and comment this video if you enjoy the view and support Cannabis culture worldwide! …


  1. FreedomToChoose84 says:

    Grover is lamer then mitt no help to the movement with this guy

  2. Kenn abyss says:

    The times they are a changing.

  3. Troy Purvis says:

    he’s not a republican he’s a conservative libertarian

  4. StonedZeebra says:

    Too bad hes republican

  5. MedicalMarijuanaMini says:

    Rand Paul 2016

  6. guitarrc81 says:

    Why did you idiots make a video on this

  7. rdskinsrck202 says:

    actually he really has less respect as he holds no political office.

  8. TheWoWGrind says:

    “I don’t believe in states rights”. Alright, turning off the video, fuck off.

  9. MedicalMarijuanaMini says:

    I believe it is never moral to initiate force, violence or coercion against peaceful people on private property. IE drug war

  10. Gabriel Mora says:

    even tho this is a cool vid, it really isn’t breaking news

  11. LittleLegion says:


  12. Chavaliays Smoke says:

    true that
    They have no clue who this guy is apparently

  13. Bear Grylls says:

    this man needs to be awarded

  14. XcLuSiVeGuNGaMe says:

    Sorry im Spanish i didnt understand can someone explain to me what is this video about..?

  15. martynrbc says:

    The music in the beginning is epic..

  16. thewhat2424 says:

    Hard to believe.

  17. Max Powers says:

    He is a republican. Republicans are generally against making marijuana legal, at least publicy But privately they are. Just look at comments made by William F. Buckley. He made the case that it is a waste of money to keep marijuana illegal. He also said that it is our inherent right in the US Constitution to consume what ever we want as consenting adults.

  18. Billy Trax says:

    He says marijuana once with this lame ass stump speech. He could be talking about maple syrup research and you wouldn’t know. He’s trying to take advantage of the issue to promote his fantasy low tax bullshit.

  19. thewhat2424 says:

    Orange County recently got F’d in the A. No more dispensaries at all. Only delivery and illegal store fronts. It sucks B hole.

  20. 420Abomination420 says:

    Grover Norquist is a terrible person that has huge reign over many terrible Republicans. He seems to be supporting the legalization of marijuana, as the Republicans are desperate for votes these days. This means that there is a chance marijuana legalization will come up for a vote on a federal level. That would be huge!

  21. wesley b says:

    Shitty, SHITTY, guy, good stance on cannabis

  22. skateNtrees says:


  23. MedicalMarijuanaMini says:

    i prefer no tax to low tax

  24. Brandon Jones says:

    Nugporn should cover more of these kind of things.

  25. Sunbathe Ah says:

    I hear all of SoCal is fucked” too but what can they REALLY do.. the cats already out of the bag

  26. TheAccidental ExtractionService says:


  27. Tyler centolella says:

    It Needs To Be Legalized-Like If You Agree.

  28. rdskinsrck202 says:

    this means nothing. he holds no power, and has as much respect as Ron Paul, who has been calling for complete legalization of all drugs…

  29. Ricky Rosales says:


  30. skill mulah says:

    he had this look like “i know the masons are gonna come at me when i get out of here”

  31. fgalaviz00 says:

    Grover Norquist is a tax break lobbyist for the rich… Nothin but a clown to me…
