710 / 420 PARADISE – DabTools – Gold Coast Extracts – FireType Extracts – Proper Extracts – ECHC LA

Lone Seed Project #47 ‘The Camera Died ‘
June 24, 2013
NYPD Addresses Overzealous Marijuana Arrests
June 24, 2013

710 / 420 PARADISE - DabTools - Gold Coast Extracts - FireType Extracts - Proper Extracts - ECHC LAWatch Video In 720p Or 1080p Full Screen Follow me on facebook for updates on all the concentrates I get. HD Pictures, videos, Memes…. etc… My Facebook L…


  1. iAdmiralMarcus says:

    it sounds like cypress hill but idk what its called

  2. timetokill8989 says:

    song ?

  3. 1rs11ch4d11rs1 says:

    i love mary jane

  4. zach p says:

    Why the holes on the paddle side of the dabber? If the poker works fine for shatter that seems so impractical to put holes in, no icehash/crumbly 🙁

  5. Sunbathe Ah says:

    nice work with the swirling words cheers!!

  6. Tolvar100 says:

    es un placer para todos mis sentidos ver tus videos.gracias
