LIVE! FOX The 5 Gets Schooled on the ACA by Bob Beckel The 1.
November 12, 2014
Houston Teacher Fired for Beating Student in Class My Thoughts On This Crazy Teacher kazalar
November 12, 2014

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  1. SlayerE23 says:

    GG m80

  2. IshayuG says:

    Investigamer I really have nothing against you at all – you make good
    videos, but we come to this channel to watch TheAmazingAtheist, not

  3. Nick DeBusk says:

    Marijuana is the devil, that’s already been proven by science.
    Nice try though.
    Drug addicts! 

  4. Nice Meme says:

    Why do I feel this video has something to do with the backlash the AA got
    from that idiotic DP episode where they made fun of ADoesofBuckly.

  5. RFE says:

    What about canabis causing schizophrenia? 

  6. Liam Dowling says:

    I feel sorry for the lads in the U.S who grow it at home, they are gonna
    lose out in a big fucking way if it goes legal. 

  7. XMetalMatter says:

    I heard that weed shrinks the front part of your brain.

  8. Connor Liddicott says:

    I don’t agree with number 4. Nearly everyone I know smokes weed. However,
    only a very small amount of those people who smoke weed don’t take other
    forms of drugs and I reckon it’s the same for the vast majority of people
    as well.

  9. Charles Gibson says:

    its proved that marijuana decreases IQ but i dont care

  10. LazarheaD says:

    Skinny TJ is back!

  11. Masticore x says:

    don’t even have to watch the video in order to know the facts “it’s not
    addictive” “it’s not dangerous” bla bla, it’s a drug for a reason, fuck
    drugs, I wish all drugs (cigarettes, weed, alcohol…) would get forbidden,
    there is no reason to take any of them and just because weed is not as
    dangerous as alcohol you don’t have to make it legal

  12. ammon nelson says:

    I support the legalization of pot, but there is nothing more entertaining
    to me than law ignoring popular media and culture XD

  13. Pyroniusburn says:

    HI skinnier, less hairy TJ :D

  14. jess40Hz says:

    TJ is such a lazy bastard. Such a gorgeous, lazy bastard.

  15. TheAski09 says:

    This changed my view on marijuana. I was so stupid before.

  16. The Amazing Atheist says:

    The Investigamer breaks down some myths about the mara-ja-wanna. 

  17. RFE says:

    BTW the song at the beginning is Strange Ways: Silent Partner, just in case
    anyone was wondering. 

  18. kingsteve55 says:

    “Thank fuck everyone is starting to wise up to weed.”

    Sincerely, stoners everywhere

  19. MichalichFag says:

    You just cant wait until you get high..?

  20. Celtic Bird says:


  21. frederik jacobsen says:

    Smoke weed errday

  22. newland pencilnut says:

    Holy shit I’m early.

  23. salo283 says:

    PLZZZ, STAPH WHIT THE NEW PEOPLE, or are you out of town or something?

  24. Anarchy Time says:

    i don’t smoke it, don’t plan to but it why should i or anyone else tell
    “you” that you cant. 

  25. w0joshcbrln0w says:

    But what about shrooms?

  26. Militant Pacifist says:


  27. InverT'd ~ says:

    TJ The Amazing Stoner

  28. CuteCalum says:

    I feel like the smoking marijuana doesn’t give you lung cancer is bs.
    Smoking anything will increase your chance of getting lung cancer

  29. Joseph Quimby says:

    FAKER! what have you done to TJ!? Proof tj have been abducted by the
    vigilant christian and gman!

  30. Bobo Kingos says:

    He doesn’t upload any video anymore, that he made himself. Only cuts out of
    other videos he happen to be in and by other people. Fucking ridicilous.
    And this fat lazy fuck still makes the most money out of it.

  31. DarkOrderSolDjango says:

    No one told me that TJ has a son.

  32. CuteCalum says:

    Disappointed this video isn’t 4:20 minutes long

  33. coldkick says:

    So early the video is only 144p :O

  34. turntechgodhead100 says:

    holy shit, did tj lose weight

  35. prototypep4 says:

    The whole “pot can be the cure for cancer” thing is bs. Yes it has been
    shown to reduce the growth of SOME cancers, not all. But there are also
    many more effective drugs out there that wipe out a whole lot more of the

  36. jerkfacebg says:

    Smoking is bad for you that’s why I only eat hash brownies 

  37. Gavin McCree says:

    Good video boys!!!!!!! Time smoke one and jump on assassins creed
    unity!!!!! Keep it up! 
