2 Big Bong Rips

THE DABOROTORY! new channel to sub! link below.
July 8, 2013
Girl Scout Cookies: The How To Grow Marijuana Guide
July 8, 2013

2 Big Bong RipsJust me bullshitting about some stuff and hitting th Phire Kong twice. Took two milky bong rips. Stay faded.


  1. HiGhAlLdAy420r says:

    Stay Faded where’d you get that at haha

  2. Frances Baby says:

    Ur a champ bro!

  3. mathewsisler says:

    dece vids man, keep it up youll get out there. but fuck the haters….everyone gets them no matter on vids

  4. DUDE666PSIHOHL says:

    Cool rips.Cheers.
