17 strain 4kw garden, super selection/test run! Day 12 flower.

Governor Wildstar Political Gospel Elections Special
June 2, 2014
大麻で難病を治す「医療大麻」最前線 – Medicinal Marijuana in Japan
June 2, 2014

17 strain 4kw garden, super selection/test run! Day 12 flower.After a recent broad mite scare, we delve into the upcoming garden nearly ending the 2nd week of flower. If all goes according to plan, this run will be truly EPIC. Stay tuned. Ages 18+ only!…


  1. DabCity DWC says:

    Glad you won that battle! Interested to see which strains will be the
    keepers. Got some time check my shit out. Happy growing!

  2. BolagnaSheetsMD . says:

    treating it properly, this round looks like it will be nice

  3. theClosetgrower420 says:

    Clusterfuck is my favorite word
