The Jodie Emery Show – March 28, 2013

Home Treatment Of Scabies
April 8, 2013
Pentakis Does a Sh*t Ton of Pot, Hash, and Space Cakes
April 8, 2013

The Jodie Emery Show - March 28, 2013Jodie updates us about Marc after returning from her latest visit, which included some tornado-like weather in Yazoo City. Marc now has 473 days left on his …


  1. kodguerrero says:

    Normally I would groan because I’m an atheist and don’t believe in the power of prayer.. But hurray for religious people wanting Marc back in Canada 😛

  2. FakePopcornButter says:

    Basically, but he wasn’t the only one in business doing it. A lot of people in
    Canada sell seeds to the U.S. But Cannabis Seeds are illegal in the U.S. so when doing that they take a 50/50 shot.

  3. theeeees says:

    Some pretty great things you guys are doing. I think that marcs story is pretty important. Its a story of a modern philosopher being thrown in jail because of his ideals. This has happened a lot in human history and i hope a day comes when rather than locking these people up, we listen and allow them to speak. There are some really big changes ahead of us and some really big obstacles we need to overcome. By locking up people like marc we are only prolonging our standstill of human development

  4. Godtardism says:

    Sorry to make any derogatory comments, and I’m sure your intentions are sincere but merely token (pun intended). You want to make Marc proud of you? Then start raising a lot of shit. Get media friendly.

  5. FakePopcornButter says:

    Stableboy420 and KodGuerrero, shut the fuck up and smoke a joint. This is a weed video.
    Go argue on a Dawkin’s video, since you seem to like the monkey fucker so much.

  6. TheDogondone says:

    Didnt win…off to mail you again. Free Marc! Best wishes to you both! Mailing from Marshallhenderson 81@yahoo

  7. VoVaKissCam says:

    I can’t wait to listen to Marc talk again.

  8. FakePopcornButter says:

    No, but selling them from Canada to the U.S. is. He was convicted because they have nothing better to do. Instead of catching a Murderer, Rapist, or Trafficker, they went after Marc. Because, “Marijuana” is so “dangerous”. (That would make more sense if dangerous meant safe).

  9. kodguerrero says:

    I understand this and I try not to insult anyone as much as I can (sometimes they say stuff I just can’t keep quiet) but I feel too guilty letting them go on living with such wrong information…. Since we’re on the internet I can disprove any belief they’ve had that was only a google search away! I keep telling myself it helps a little if reason and logic come from many places at once xD

  10. Godtardism says:

    Oh Canada,
    you disappointed me.
    You violate my right to be free.

    And you lock up non-violent citizens
    but let the pedophiles go.
    And your answer to cure cancer is
    “It’s a crime”, Oh Canada, you blow.

    Oh Canada,
    home to oppress,
    Oh Canada your Steven Harpers mess.
    Oh Canada, I love you less and less.

  11. maciejwrotek says:

    Can someone please tell me why mark was convicted ? seeds are not illegal, arent they ?

  12. kodguerrero says:

    I don’t bet. I came to my conclusions with logic. While you are right the chances of life are small and if you use evolution the chance for intelligent life to have time to develop is even smaller. However, there are more than a “quintillion” planets.

    “we get 6 sextillion planets in the visible universe. It is likely much more than that.”

    I hope you evolve in your position and realize you’ve been fed lies about atheists.

  13. kodguerrero says:

    You’re kind of a douche.. I was pretty nice to you at first. Not only do I know who Dawkins is but I’ve read bigger books than the bible on him and each of the Four Horsmen.
    You actually believe that studying the most advanced sciences to understand the origin of the universe and everything in it is the “lazy man’s choice- the easy way out”?? You Read a SINGLE book! What bible do you even read? I bet it’s King James. I probably even know more about the history of the bible than you do…

  14. Godtardism says:

    Don’t forget, though, as many logical and factual sites you pull up with relevant information they can keep pulling godtard sites out of their ass to prove they are irrelevant and think nothing of it because it is so much easier not to think.
    Have you noticed, most godtard sites are in “Dick and Jane” english so as not to confuse the sheeple.

  15. stableboy420 says:

    Well, it is true. Science keeps discovering new things every day. And if all Religion or faith is good for, is to comfort people in the last days, isn’t that enough? Churches, even the dirty pedophile Catholics do a lot of good for the community. Any way, I have decided to halt this conversation, this is not the appropriate forum. I just think that the odds of everyrhing coming together by fluke is in the quintillions to one. Simply acknowledging there may be more is a safe hedge bet. IMO

  16. maciejwrotek says:

    i believe behind all of this is pharmaceutical industry, doctors want to have a monopoly on managing pain.

  17. kodguerrero says:

    Also, stableboy420 was saying Dawkins is an agnostic xD

  18. stableboy420 says:

    I have asked all my friends and the people at my church to pray for Marc’s transfer to be accepted.

  19. jmark nottell says:

    thanks much——-

  20. BlueZoneBall says:

    They should arrest those that made cannabis illegal! Here’s to HIgh Times ..I wish I had a girlfriend like Jodie .. haha

  21. PilateTS says:

    Greetings from Colorado.

  22. stableboy420 says:

    There is so much that science does not know. We have only had the ability to really study the cosmos for less than 100 years. I think Agnostic is probably the proper stance because we simply don’t know much of anything yet. That’s what Dawkins has settled upon. I would also like to say that I believe the Catholic Church is a cult, lest you lump me in with those sickos.

  23. kodguerrero says:

    After Marc is back from the USA I’ll take my shirt and add a D in red sharpie so it reads “FREED MARC”

  24. Godtardism says:

    Banter to your hearts content with these head strong (or bull headed) theists but it will result in heart burn. Until an event in their life causes them to think instead of following a crowd these lemmings will keep on jumping off the cliff. Talking sense, logic and fact goes over their head. Tell them to read a book, or listen to Richard Dawkins. Then you’ve done what you can.
    Oh, what science does not know pales in comparison to what religion fantasizes.

  25. kodguerrero says:

    Most religious people will say that “there is so much that science does not know.” I think you really mean there’s a lot you don’t understand. I’m glad Dawkins has his views. I have mine and they aren’t the same.
    To what church where you referring to then?

  26. Felix Sheldon says:

    I find no guilt, with this one, send him back to BC….

  27. maciejwrotek says:

    so he was violeting monopolly trade laws, not necessarily seed illegality laws ?

  28. Godtardism says:

    Truth be told I also am agnostic. As much so as Dawkins. About .000001% of my thought process tells me I should think about God. The rest is out somewhere in the logical world where there is no Santa Claus, tooth fairy or pink unicorn.

  29. Domopig444 says:

    good idea!

  30. stableboy420 says:

    Normally I would groan because athiests are more often than not selfish, non-compassionate, pessimistic know-it-alls, but you seem ok to me as well 😉 Even Richard Dawkins admits there may be a God, but you probably don’t know who he is, because that would take effort, and Atheism is the lazy man’s choice- the easy way out. Until their death bed, when it is well known that most atheists really freak out.
