Happy Anti 420 Day!

Brandon Harris bhitmanhizzel Boobala Please Oy Vey Passover
May 9, 2013
Knottyy’s Purple Elephant BHO Video!
May 9, 2013

Happy Anti 420 Day!


  1. Jesus Carrillo says:

    Hey is your name Ariel?
    and did you live in LA around 3 years ago? I once knew an ariel that looks exactly like you.

  2. C. Burris says:

    Im Reaper by the way…
    Your correct… its pretty big of you to post something like this with all the smokers around, you know just in case someone were to go as far as threats and other things. But Im hope their are a select few who has our point of view. 🙂

  3. C. Burris says:

    bahahahaha… dont break a nail! 😛

  4. Darylann Campbell says:


  5. arimarguerite says:

    Well threats don’t really happen. And it doesn’t effect me. Plus, if I have to, I may be small but I can kick ASS. 😛 But I would never start the fight. Just end it.

  6. arimarguerite says:

    @Jesus Carrillo add me on Facebook. Arielle deGarcia

  7. arimarguerite says:

    Earlier it wouldn’t let me reply to you like this. So if you want read the other comment. :]

  8. Jesus Carrillo says:

    you did? idk how this works srry. How can i send you a message? maybe email? or txt? Hi!!! ive been looking for you for years!!!!! 😀

  9. Reaper go BOOM says:

    People can hate me all they want… I agree with this, alot.

  10. arimarguerite says:

    Reaper, in the end it doesn’t matter who dislikes you for your thoughts on this. Right? It’s matters how your conscience feels on the inside.

  11. arimarguerite says:

    @jesus Carrillo Yes I’ve replied to you three times already. It is me.
