Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule – Booze Clues

March 13, 2013
How to make your room not smell like weed
March 13, 2013

Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule - Booze CluesCheck out Bill’s new rule. For more on Real Time with Bill Maher, log onto Watch Real Time with Bill Maher online at HBO GO®


  1. StonyGranite says:

    I dunno about the ladies but I’d be impressed if someone could name all 60? 62? moons…

  2. temporaldisplacement says:

    Aww c’mon it’s for ugly guys who were drinking because women are disgustingly shallow. hey wernt there trying to impress any girls. surley a woman wants a man who can fix the garage door and not fuck up the tax’s …..what women want is two men. But the guy who can fix the garage door wont share …..ergo global ecomonic collapse. I’ve thought this through …honestly.

  3. Pookieluvie says:

    You don’t possess basic knowledge in English grammar if you think your comment was correct.

    “you prolly are fat and hideous” –> “You are probably fat and hideous”

    Yeah, you suck at spelling and sentence structure. I believe there are 500 characters available for every YT comment, spelling out “prolly” wouldn’t kill you.

    You didn’t do shit. I just proved you wrong you fucking imbecile.

  4. Pookieluvie says:

    Learn to spell, moron.

  5. LiberalPlatonist says:


  6. x89codered89x says:

    I can’t tell because of the 2nd-grade level spelling.

  7. Pookieluvie says:

    Jesus Christ, talking to you is futile. Fuck it, just reading your comment above makes me want to gouge my eyes out. You’re trying to defend your grammar by using incorrect grammar while doing so – perfect example of why you are an idiot.

    How am I a fascist? You must not understand the definition.

  8. carebearing says:

    Of course most drunk women wouldn’t be impressed with random information about space.

  9. 12quillemall5321 says:

    Girls like men who drink in bars.  Women don’t.

  10. sayanroy36 says:

    I was joking,the comment wasn’t serious.
    But since you decided to get all butthurt,please tell me which word did I spell wrong?It sure isn’t “you”,or “are”,or “fat”,or “and”.I even spelled “hideous” right.
    So are you targeting my lack of using caps,or is it “PROLLY”? Because let me welcome you to the universally accepted world of internet language where short forms help to save time & maintain limited characters.
    Now tell me, how does it feel to get completely destroyed by logic, you dumb bitch?

  11. entrarideath says:


  12. sayanroy36 says:

    I will be really concise:
    1) You accused me of a spelling error. I proved that I didn’t spell anything wrong,I used a short form. Being grammatically incorrect (not that I was) is IRRELEVANT to your FIRST ACCUSATION. So I stand corrected. Bite me.
    2) I called you a fascist because you were trying to decide whether using 500 characters would hurt me or not. Sorry, but I’ll decide what’s convenient for me. Not you.
    Did I say anything wrong? Can you refute any of the two points? I don’t think so.

  13. foodietwins says:

    Bill the guy at the bar nursing a drink at 3pm is married and escaping. He’s currently worried about what he did with his life.

  14. sayanroy36 says:

    you prolly are fat and hideous

  15. sayanroy36 says:

    Actually”you probably are” is also completely acceptable.There isn’t always one rigid structure in English.I’m sure Shakespeare would structure the same sentence differently.
    Not to mention YOU SAID it was a SPELLING ERROR,NOT GRAMMAR,you moron.So I stand corrected.I didn’t spell anything wrong.I used acceptable short form.
    & guess what,you’re nobody to decide if spelling out 500 characters will kill me or not,it’s my choice.You might not like it, but that doesn’t make me wrong you dumb fascist
