Police Chase Homeless Bum Off Public Property! – FZK Films

Matt “The Gonz” Galletta — Big Comedy Reel Old & New Enjoy ;)
September 19, 2013
How to use ladybugs to protect your medical garden
September 19, 2013

Police Chase Homeless Bum Off Public Property! - FZK FilmsAn officer’s son Javier investigates distress calls about homeless men taking over parks and sleeping, smoking marijuana, loitering, and attacking the public…


  1. HappyStonerComedy says:

    Where’s them tig ol’ bitties, haha I bet that’s what everyones gonna say
    Funny ass video though

  2. Forenzikproductions says:

    LOL I know, I was kind of blown away but then quickly reminded myself ‘oh yeah this is youtube’

  3. TakinaShot says:

    I love that someone thought this was real. Classic.

  4. Evan Klein says:

    i hope this is real

  5. GeoGamesTV says:

    Tig ol bitties , sounds like a german candy when you say it real fast.

  6. Forenzikproductions says:

    lol no its just a funny skit
