los angeles medical marijuana?

how to grow outdoor marijuana growing skunk weed ganja pot
September 28, 2010
SWAT Raids — No One Is Safe
September 28, 2010
marijuana jokes
bobby joe asked:

I was recently in venice beach in los angeles on the boardwalk and I saw probably 10 or more advertisements for kush doctors who can get you legal. I was quoted a price at 65 dollars. i was wondering if all these licenses were legit? and if they are, hasent the idea of medical marijuana become a joke.


  1. Siobhan says:

    they are legit. and what the hell do you mean by a “joke”. if its a joke to make this plants benefits available to those who need it then i guess thats pretty hilarious

  2. ice says:

    I think they are legitimate but I wonder if those obtaining medical marijuana are simply people addicted to it with the hope of legal impunity.

  3. Ray says:

    Wow ICE your answer had me laughing. Addicted to pot that’s hilarious. The only thing that’s a joke my friend is that it’s not regulated and taxed like alcohol and cigarettes. Wow ICE thats a good one “addicted” lol.
