Jen Kirkman, Greg Fitzsimmons, Doug Benson – X Marks the Art – Could Iceman Tea Bag Me? – @midnight

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Jen Kirkman, Greg Fitzsimmons, Doug Benson - X Marks the Art - Could Iceman Tea Bag Me? - @midnight“X-Men: Days of Future Past” star Shawn Ashmore asks Jen Kirkman, Greg Fitzsimmons and Doug Benson to come up with superhero names for some odd fan art. Watch more from this episode:


  1. MrKlausbaudelaire says:

    aaaah Doug, missed a great oportunity to call that woman…Mary Jane xD

  2. cginsane22 says:

    Ally McBeastiality ftw

  3. Sora Noize says:

    No one said Sarah Jessica Parker at the last one?!

  4. Justin Knapp says:

    Doug Benson, my man!

  5. TippyHippy97 says:


  6. Marcus Alvarado says:

    Lol Doug did his weed podcast like 2 hours before he did this show and he
    said he likes to get super high before going on because it makes the game
    better x). You can tell they tried to make it so he doesn’t look too high

  7. Fresno4runner says:

    Fitz dog

  8. FibreGlassZebra says:

    That weed one they should have said “Your HIGHness”
