Guys Tell Their Friends “I Love You” For The First Time

种植Growing Weed19 室外种植参观之各地的小麦田
October 21, 2014
smoking two hot girls
October 22, 2014

Take that, heteronormativity. Share on Facebook: Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: Share on Twitter:


  1. Brassy says:


  2. Major Badass says:

    Do you care about you friend?, do you not want anything bad to happen to
    them?, do you miss them sometimes?, would you cry if they died? Yes? and do
    you wish there was a word that could express how you feel…..whats that
    word again? .. its on the tip of my tongue…Oh yeah LOVE

    I tell my friends I love them all the time, I don’t get why its so hard, or
    weird, if you can love your pets, and love church members why can’t you
    love best friend. or is masculinity that fragile after all 

  3. Fielani Pohahau says:

    I feel so completely awkward when my friends male or female tell me they
    love me. Not because I don’t believe them or don’t love or care about them,
    I think it stems from my family not being very openly affectionate or
    verbally affectionate with each other. I mean I have 6 brothers and 3
    sisters whom I know love me to death and vice versa.

    For us, it’s just more of an unspoken thing, we know we love each other and
    will protect each other in our actions. Not necessarily hugging and all
    that but just by being there and taking care of each other. I guess the
    point is, watching them say I love you to each other, no matter how
    hilariously awkward at times, is nice and should be done more often. It was
    just a nice sight is all. I think I want to start telling people I love
    them more often. So awkward but necessary, I think.

  4. hevibevi says:

    It’s the whole “feelings are feminine” stereotype that is in effect here.
    So I think this was a really cool thing to do, because love is universal
    and doesn’t discriminate. ^^

  5. Aures Thomas says:


  6. Richie Demo says:

    If I were here, I would have gone the sarcastic route and have said, “Oh my
    god, I like, love you”.

  7. KevinEvo says:

    love me ashley :(

  8. Levi Ackerman says:

    I LOVE YOU EREN YEAGER!!!! *cough cough* you didn’t here anything

  9. abblesindatardis says:

    Xrpmx13 tells his guy friends he loves them all the time. He also calls all
    of them different versions of Babe sooo…

  10. punchdrunkflame says:

    I’m a gay male. I’ve said “I love you” to my straight male friends plenty
    and it’s never been weird… but I guess that just means I chose the right
    friends? *shrug*

  11. SweetasSugar42 says:

    Haha my friend and I call each other bae all the time and end our texts
    with kisses and say I love you and hug. I think there’s a rumour we are gay
    for each other maybe..

  12. Decenters says:

    I say I love ya to my friends all the time, I’m not homosexual nor bi, does
    that make me wierd?

  13. MrLegonator says:

    I said this once.
    Now I can not get up and I can’t walk anymore.( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡° )

  14. Vogi Tobacco says:

    I find this whole video weird. Not because of the awkwardness of it, but
    because that it is really never said from a guy to a guy.

    My best friend lives an hour away. We see each other every 6 months or so.
    We talk almost daily. Every time that I see him, we greet each other with a
    hug. Not a bro hug… an embrace. An actual hug. Following this with an I
    missed you. And every time I leave, it is an I love you and an other hug.

    We do not do this daily, or every time we talk, but we do say it a lot. We
    actually have deep emotional conversations all the time. I never really
    thought it was weird.

  15. Sylar Grey says:

    Who is that Jay? I think I’ve seen him before somewhere. 

  16. PhilMakes DanHowell says:

    Damn they should have got dan and phil to do this

  17. Sam Briseno says:

    I always tell my friends I love them nothing weird is say no homo though
    cuz I’m a guy

  18. Christian -Soy Ese Luchador-Alexander says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever told my dad “I love you”, I should probably tell
    him before it’s too late.

  19. navisthedarklord says:

    omg jay is so hot

  20. ZachDaHater1 says:

    An online friend of mines keeps saying he loves me at the end of messaging
    conversations. I’m confused as hell, wtf?? In what way!? o_0 <:(

  21. DaCamponTwee says:

    Why guys don’t say “I love you” to each other:
    Friend one: “Alright man (Friend 2), see you later.”
    Friend two: “See ya”
    Friend one: “Love you”
    Friend two: *Shrugs uncomfortably* “Oh.. ok.” *Walks away confused and
    slightly uncomfortable*
    Random douche: *Pulls phone out, starts texting* “Just heard Friend one
    say “I love you” to friend two, he is such a faggot”
    Friend one: *Commits suicide a few months later as a result from all the
    bullying and homophobic insults.*
    The culture surrounding males is a big issue today, it is just an ignored

  22. camille sinclair says:

    I don’t see why guys can’t say I love you if you and your friend are close
    u should say I love u it’s not like y’all getting marring and having kids
    it’s 3 words it’s not that serious 

  23. Ann H says:

    Just come right out and say it guys, don’t be afraid of a lil homo

  24. Reyven Zalph says:

    I once said like that in front of my Best friend.. but then He’s Angry and
    said I was GAY!! Actually yeah I was Gay.. and I’m falling in love with
    him. he’s straight. he leave me forever.. then he hates me :'( ..yeah it’s
    my mistake to falling in love with him. screw my life~

  25. Paul Rogers says:

    My best friend and I have been that way for over 15 years. Literally He has
    come across the country to help me move, twice. When he was out of work and
    needed money he asked me for a big loan. He’s good for it. I GAVE him what
    he needed, twice and asked for nothing in return. He is allowed to speak
    into my life and he will come across country again to kick my ass if I were
    to do something unlawful. He’s the first person I would call if I won the
    lotto or some kind of win fall. We have become more than best friends. We
    are covenant brothers, understanding the meaning of that is a bond that can
    only be broken by death. I have no problem saying “I love you” to him. He
    has no problem saying it to me.

  26. Aaron Terell says:

    The only reason guys don’t say that is that when they do everybody
    automtically declares him or even them gay. It’s sooo much easier as a guy
    to be declared as a gay guy as a girl lesbian. And even though noone wants
    to admit it, a lot of guys like lesbians because we find it hot. Just
    nobody really knows what to do with a gay friend.*does he want to date me?* *Dear
    god i mustn’t send the wrong signals* or even* that is so gay/wrong! it’ s
    supposed to be adam and eve and not adam and steve* and so on….

  27. Victoriaaa64 says:

    Phil is so cute. I want to hug Phil.

  28. Titan2797 says:

    At least they have friends… :(

  29. Chloe Edwards says:


  30. GirlSproket says:

    I’ve never said ‘I love you’ to anyone, and actually meant it. Because, I
    don’t. Love is just another word that’s been thrown around wayyy too
    frequently, and has thusly lost its meaning. To me at least.

    I can show “love” (or, my version of it), but as far as voicing it…. Nah,
    I’ll pass. 

  31. divahoney2001 says:

    Henry and Ben seem legit love hahaha 

  32. xxJalisa01 says:

    I love that I’m a girl and I’ve never told my friends that I loved them.
    Maybe this is because both of my clothes friends are guys and I’ve never
    thought that I had to. It’s kind of like an understanding.

  33. TheRookie121 says:

    I say I love you to my best friend, but after these years he is basicly
    family. And it was weird for a while, but I got used to it now.
    The only thing I havent got used to is that he started to hug me. That is
    weirder to me then that we say I love you to each other.

  34. MsPandacakes says:

    I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had a “best friend”.. seems everyone in my
    life who I considered a best friend ended up having their OWN best friend,
    so I have never really been one or had one before… which is sad xD

  35. JeidoCupcake! says:

    Guy love between two guys :’) 

  36. heat sann says:


  37. ohh sally! says:

    None of them said no homo 

  38. Phillip Morales says:
  39. Shawna Mequet says:

    Pause at 4:15 .

  40. Rachel C says:

    I do love some of my friends. I love their company. I love their jokes.
    It’s just something that if they are not in my weekday then I feel a little
    bit alone. It’s like…. How do I say this…. I’m not going to hang out
    with someone I don’t like. It’s not going to happen. And when we think
    about what we do or do not like about people it’s either because we see too
    much of ourselves in them or we see next to none. But the people I hang out
    with are like *just right*. They are the right amount of me and well… I
    love me 🙂 So I love them. That’s how I can explain it.

  41. cray kreh says:

    Korean boys from what I seen are very close to their buddies and freely say
    i love you, hug each other and lean on each other. Their very close and
    touchy but their not gay, trust me I saw this at school and they have GF, I
    guess its different for different cultures.

  42. Keri Nyx says:

    Brothers say I love you to each other & it’s not weird… so I don’t get
    why it’s weird to say it your bro’s.
    I tell all my female & male friends I love them… not all the time… but
    once in a while, it’s nice. :)

  43. Number13teen says:

    I only have one guy friend I would say “I love you” or hug. I’ve already
    hugged him, but I haven’t said I love you…I need to try it sometime. But
    I’ll be honest guys should not say I love you to all their guy friends. I
    think it’s the mindset that makes it awkward. Girls can say it because they
    can be more open with their emotions without being judged. 

  44. Ryanime says:

    Um guys what do you think about this

  45. The Deviancy Cabal says:

    I call shenanigans on Phil being 26. He looks like he’s friggin’ 12.

  46. Echo Slercana says:

    As a gay man of course I say I love you to my Girls but unspoken bro law ya
    don’t do it unless your fucked up 

  47. Jamaaloxe says:


  48. kotosqopos says:

    That would be so effing awkward!!

    Nope. nope, NOPE.
    None of my friends deserve to hear that I love them, because I don’t.
    And even if I did NO!

  49. Shanara Phillips says:

    I think it’s weird that people think it’s weird to say I love you to their
    friends. There are many variations of love. The way you love your mother is
    different to the way you love your boyfriend/girlfriend. So why can’t you
    feel a certain type of love for your best friends? I love my friends, girls
    and guys. But not in a romantic way at all.

  50. Elisabeth Sjödin says:

    I SHIP ALL OF THEM..! *pant* *pant*

    I swear i’m not crazy.
