Glass Blessings and SOUND44

September 15, 2013
Marijuana Joke: Mike Marino Tells Funny Marijuana Jokes! – Stand Up Comedy
September 16, 2013

Glass Blessings and SOUND44Stinkness has occurred hahaha soundrone reminds everyone to check out the 7pipe contest/giveaway check out the entrys here and vote for your favorite. 7pipe …


  1. perch perkins says:


  2. soundexperiments says:

    i so should , maybe people would stear clear of me

  3. soundexperiments says:

    taking sick people’s meds ? hmmm

  4. soundexperiments says:

    hell yeah

  5. soundexperiments says:

    totally 100% dino skin hats for everybody

  6. mike smith says:

    I also have several medical conditions that MJ helps with; unfortunately I do not live in a legal MMJ state; for now. If it does not pass on the midterm election here in Ohio I’m moving to NorCal

  7. bjmxd says:

    That bowl of weed would last me like 2 years for how often i smoke :p

  8. droiddoes58 says:

    what about the dino hat no story sound????

  9. perezoliver1994 says:

    Running low fuck I wish I had half of what is in that jar it’ll last me a whole week

  10. soundexperiments says:


  11. Kyle Rutherford says:

    Stoner boner lol

  12. Callum Prime says:

    I’m guessing the 1 person who disliked this vid, is out of bud

  13. Gerardo Lopez says:

    My faveriet strain is waka flaka

  14. idealcommentary says:

    what’s ur condition if you don’t mind me asking? thx for any reply! love ya sound!

  15. BuscoBiker1 says:

    then give them to all the patients for free!! See what i did there little robin hood action. Too much kief lol

  16. vpjfz says:

    Smoked some GDP with a friend the other day… I fucking loved it!!! And his bowl is just MAGIC

  17. BambiDickReviews says:

    All the drinks and pill are pretty much bullshit, B vitamins lots of water and TIME. If you smoke everyday like i did for 7 years it will take 7 FULL days to get down to 100ng in your system drinking 5 bottles of water a day and no exercising(im 6’1 165) if your heavy it can take up to 30 days. 100ng will still be a fail if its for a job usually the test for 25-50ng. Recommend testing yourself before you go and fuck it up on a lab test and are never allowed to work the that place again!

  18. George Brown says:

    This nigga lol he needs to learn how to conserve he got like an o in there

  19. BuscoBiker1 says:

    or dressing up like a waterpipe ninja and take all there greenage…. too many rippers with sound……

  20. soundexperiments says:

    lol TY 

  21. soundexperiments says:


  22. soundexperiments says:


  23. soundexperiments says:

    when i worked i was a bartender… no drug test 

  24. soundexperiments says:

    I have a serious medical condition that MJ helps elevate the symptoms. If this is stupid then i guess we all know what were dealing with.

  25. soundexperiments says:

    i just wondered how many people were going to ask if i said nothing

  26. garretanderson61 says:

    u r running low lol get some cheeze 🙂

  27. DeejayDynamic69 says:

    I agree

  28. NATcha94 says:

    would you make a video of you shopping at a dispensary?

  29. soundexperiments says:

    ok no prob good luck

  30. aDamN1994 says:

    consider it a blessing into the soundrone glass family

  31. Goins Kyle says:

    a few days please thats a week for me. medical bud is hard to get in the south east at reasonable price

  32. Tyler Cason says:

    Dislike cuz WEED
    Your stupid dude
    Plz comment I would like to call you stupid more often

  33. FaTe Huey says:

    A COUPLE DAYS??? There’s like a full ounce or ounce and a half in there!

  34. TheL3G1Twafflezz says:

    I don’t think he’d have to drug test even if he did it wouldn’t matter he smokes completely legally and is most likely a medical cannabis patient soooo sound may not not be the BEST bet on getting good tips but I’m not completely sure he may know I’m just saying maybe hit up some friends or people who smoke in states weed isn’t legalized in and they should have tips

  35. Callum Prime says:

    Am i just trippin balls or is the camera flashing :/

  36. soundexperiments says:

    a lifetime commitment

  37. Jordan Allen says:

    Whos laughing now… i got my dinosaur hat

  38. Callum Prime says:

    I wish i could afford to smoke as much as him :/

  39. Ganja God Gaming says:

    I fucking know right

  40. Kev Dawg says:

    he sells the drill bit and rubber and everything you need -“besides a drill”- and you can make one. the difference between a bong and vase is that the vase needs a hole in it to become a bong

  41. soundexperiments says:

    if it was predrilled it would no longer be a vase. then the price would double

  42. Callum Prime says:

    1:19…. Who else was hoping he was pack that whole nug into a giant ass bowl XD

  43. RedplaysGamesxD says:

    you need to realize whats a medicine and whats a drug

  44. CHristian Adams says:

    I <3 MJ

  45. adrian beck says:

    I know your in a trailer but I always wanted to know where that door behind you leads too. Is that a question you would answer??

  46. soundexperiments says:


  47. soundexperiments says:

    no have no clue

  48. monta1588 says:

    Thank you sound! Love the blessings.

  49. kmatt420 says:

    Haha taste very CHI CHI. Haha i see wat you did there sound ( ;

  50. soundexperiments says:

    call it what you will
