Jorge Cervantes Speech Lester Grinspoon Award Cannabis Cup 2013 SGTV
December 3, 2013
Лечебная трава из Узистана! Чумовое видео!
December 3, 2013

GETTING DRUNK VS SMOKING WEEDHow many of you like getting drunk? How many of you like smoking weed? I’m a fan of Mary. I want you to listen to why I favor marijuana. Join the gang vatos!…


  1. Israel Gonzalez says:

    Thats so true .

  2. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    New Video! Smokin or drinkin?….

  3. MrBULLYFOOT says:

    Getting Drunk or Smoking Weed? Decisions decisions….

  4. MrBULLYFOOT says:
  5. Obey Addie says:

    Those bumps ain’t chicken pox 

  6. CantHoldMeDownINC says:

    Agree! =)

  7. gamemaster27 says:

    LMMMAOOOOOOOOOOOO! XD ohhh yessss, rub your nipples for me, dsplae! XD

  8. Richard Baker says:

    A Monday wouldn’t be right with out the homeboy Bullyfoot dropping some
    fact’s on them LMAO..make’s me glad I have my red card and live in Colorado
    shit I have a tab at the weedshop fu¢¢ a Bar

  9. MrGettUmmm252 : COD GHOSTS & SHIT !!!! says:

    Fuck u mean pour alcohol in ya butthole WTF smh 

  10. oViiBEwii says:

    I like my weed. Happy hungry sleepy. Getting drunk totally different

  11. lghtskinhoney says:

    It is not called psoriasis lol

  12. I-CLICK TV says:

    We put this on

  13. valleyRaised818 says:

    the goverment is jest fucked up in every possible way..they dont realize
    how good weed jest makes people relax and have a good time without violence
    instead of acting like complete retards wth alcohol D;

  14. tottenham1211 says:

    Great video as always

  15. deathneverrests says:

    Gonna be getting a script for weed soon to get rid of my alcoholism, wish
    me luck!
