Fast Food Pot Jokes

Marijuana comedy – Say no to drugs stand up routine – comedian Gary Thison
April 27, 2013
Rob Pue – Marijuana and Nature Shows
April 28, 2013

Fast Food Pot Jokeshahaha, this guy is stoned.


  1. Charrise mcGuffie says:

    duuude he has NO clue what the hell he’s sayin haha

  2. GoTheTrutho says:

    think i saw this guy unhigh and he may have been funny.

  3. gozaderadrfunk says:

    Al Madrigal. One of the correspondents from the daily show. He has glasses and facial hair on TV.

  4. mickmos says:

    hahahaha who is this guy??? it was pretty funny, he sounds really fucking stoned. Which is a good thing

  5. Midnite4Life777 says:

    hahaha “shave ur monke azz down” 2funny u stone fuger!

  6. pangaea6united says:

    go on and type in four twenty comedy hour and look hard for it its a documentary with this guy in it and more people but its funny as shit to the third power

  7. iPyrexKing says:

    Al madrigal for anyone who’s wondering

  8. AbsolutelyBaked says:

    do you know his name?

  9. blakdfje says:

    Where did he go to?

  10. Quocalimar says:

    Keeping Fastfood places running since 2400 years ago
