9 Perfect Responses To Rude Texts

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September 29, 2014
LST & HST Training; Cannabis Patient’s Outdoor Patio Grow
September 29, 2014

9 Perfect Responses To Rude TextsDon’t send a picture of your penis after the first date. Share on Facebook: Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: S…


  1. ruben hernandez says:

    Last one made me laugh XD

  2. JeidoCupcake! says:

    Lol Pervy guys r creepy and make things awkward 

  3. yaoiisbliss says:

    OMG xD
    Here’s another one that I saw on tumblr. If they ask for a dirty pic, just
    respond with, “Let me ask my dad first.” The most funniest responses ever

  4. MasterMarik says:

    The best response to texts like this is to not respond. Block them and be
    done with them.

  5. Harry the Googly Ball says:

    “May I go to your place to hang out?”
    “Do you want a sandwich? Do you like eggies? Do you want French Fries with

  6. ThaGTshockfire says:

    Do you like dragons?

  7. Crystalunick says:

    1:03 This is not the Buzzfeed I know! Putting up this kind of stuff

  8. kurvos says:

    … why are these only replies for girls to give to horny straight guys? :/
    Seems oddly specific… kinda sexist, even.

  9. Tristan Repeta says:

    The funny thing about this video is that it isn’t funny at all!
    Just like all the other videos this channel uploads!

  10. xTheWitheringReV3rYx says:

    +astaliini wtf are you talking about? “Lack of logic”, are you stupid or
    what? Racism is defined as “discriminatory or abusive behavior towards
    members of another race”. People can be racist against whites too. Not only
    white people can be racist. Hate is hate, no matter who it’s directed
    towards. Hell, where I live, there are far more racist non-whites than
    whites. So many people yell “hey white girl!” at me when they want my
    attention. You think that doesn’t bother me? 

  11. DavidParody says:

    after *still fapped* he should have texted her back and said *how about
    your elbows now?* 

  12. Penguixia says:

    boobz plz

  13. BuzzFeedYellow says:
  14. OrbitalVelocity says:

    Kind of sexists really, why do all the texts have to be from guys? And why
    are they all about sex, and nudes? Not all guys are perverts, I’ve never
    texted a girl I was interested in like that, or even my girlfriend.

  15. AverageGaming says:

    Are you Irish?

    ‘Cos my penis is Dublin.

  16. Spoofdty says:

    look at all the ‘not all men’ comments

  17. DEgames says:

    What does tbh mean

  18. Maria Stravinsky says:

    The one with the lack of personality is totally me.

  19. lemonadethirsty says:

    Here’s a PERFECT response to a pervy text, tell the person, “Eww, im 9 you
    pedo” and they’ll feel weird and leave, and if they stay…then they have
    some serious issues lol

  20. Dericans500 says:

    Still fapped :DDD

  21. barduk4 says:

    whats wrong with dragons? :c

  22. GT says:

    Am I the only one who thought it said “nude texts”?

  23. Gregor Uchiha says:

    *”Still fapped”*

  24. Jon LaRosa says:

    wow do guys really do this? I’m 21 yr old guy and I’ve never asked (or
    talked to) my girlfriend or a girl that is a friend disrespectfully like
    that. Not all guys are douches. My mama raised me right.

  25. BluePaperMoon says:

    Some of these are very stupid replies :/

  26. Cassie Wing says:

    H-How do you take a picture of your knees like that? xD TELL ME YOUR

  27. DisneyQueenParis says:

    Notice all these texts were sent by men….

  28. Michael Pappano says:

    I like dragons. Who likes dragons?

  29. Ben A says:


  30. Charles Cruz says:

    the funny things i see on internet, and the hater comments, but this, this
    my friend, is a counterfeit. Lol

  31. PressFartToContinue says:


  32. Klinky says:


  33. The Mad Man says:

    Why r all the questions have to do with sex?

  34. zoNECS says:

    I will definitely try some of these out xD

  35. Kaila Penalosa says:

    I just straight up say “NO” lol 

  36. Izaya Orihara 折原 臨也 says:

    Omfg XD

  37. TheOriginalCP9 says:

    I like dragons.

  38. Brent Moses says:

    I really don’t see a problem with these texts. They are not rude. They are
    questions. If you don’t want to just say no. simple. Mind you Ive only
    watched the first two.

  39. JXYTC says:


  40. xxameliaaa says:

    My ex asked me for nudes so I sent him pictures of a morbidly obese naked
    woman being fed cake

  41. TobyKid Major says:

    oh my glob this is perfect it’s always so annoying when someone doesn’t get
    that you don’t want to sext!

  42. Aswitch says:

    Those are the sexiest knees I’ve ever seen.

  43. Alicorn Doctor Whooves says:


  44. Henry Huynh says:

    These are based on real texts? What idiot randomly asks a stranger for a
    nudie pic..

  45. BlackSkorpyo7 says:

    *those are compliments, not rude texts..*
    *if a guy is showing to a girl that he’s attracted to her, then that’s
    definitely a compliment..*
    the curses would be rude, not this kind of brave, shameless or immoral

  46. ONEnONLY says:


  47. Hayley G says:

    I have never seen such whiny boys in my entire life. The comment section is
    just filled with the typical fedora men saying not ALL men, or saying how
    this is sexist; like god dammit come back to me when you were the gender
    that was discriminated against for years; come back to me when society
    tells you you’re not pretty enough. Come back to me when the media tells
    you your sexual apperance is the most important part about you. Can we just
    speak statistically for a moment the percentage of men getting raped is 3
    fucking percent. 3. FUCKING. PERCENT. Do you know the percentage for women?
    17 percent! Women are fearful. More than one in four (27%) of women worried
    about their safety when they were home alone at night (compared with 12% of
    men). Women were nearly three times more likely than men to be afraid when
    walking alone after dark. Over half (58%) of women who used transit at
    night worried about their use (compared with 29% of men). Each day, 3 women
    die because of domestic violence, men don’t even have a daily rate when it
    comes to domestic violence! Sure YOU may polish your fedora and claim to be
    a nice guy; but statstics don’t lie. If you’re in a classroom and there are
    20 students; and then 19 students do something wrong, the whole class is
    getting punished; it doesn’t matter if that one student didn’t do anything;
    it still happened. This video is generalizing what happens, because the
    majority is guys who request these things; they’re going to portray it. So
    please oh please stop with this nonsense.

  48. AnotherWeirdo says:

    When they say “rude” they don’t mean insulting. The “rude” they are
    speaking of means suggestive and sexual and stuff like that.. if you talk
    to people from other countries(Like England or Scotland) you’ll get it.

  49. Tomáš Holec says:

    Ha! Haha! Very funny!

  50. Tsz Lung Yip says:

    I am dragon!!!!!! XD
