What It’s Like To Get Your Weed License

Pmgrowers – Grow Marijuana Indoors – hb-s f26
January 7, 2015
РОЗЫГРЫШ Доставка для мафии / Mafia Delivery Prank! Helicopter!!
January 7, 2015

Dave Rubin and Grad sit down at Roseanne’s kitchen table to discuss their experiences obtaining a medical marijuana card in California. Comment below or tweet your thoughts to Dave at https://twit…


  1. Booster Gold says:

    I live near a gay couple. The neighborhood didn’t get nicer, we never
    really talk to them (none of our neighbors speak with anyone regardless.
    Kinda quiet), and they don’t even have a cute gay dog. But I’ll be damned
    if I don’t get a freedom boner at the thought of them having a consensual
    loving (?) marriage.

    They did bake us some cookies for christmas, but tbqh they tasted bad and I
    gave them to a homeless man.

  2. LanceUppercut4 says:

    I’ve never smoked weed (though, given my social anxiety disorder, I
    probably have a “legitimate” reason, haha), but I am 200% behind complete
    legalization everywhere. There are no reasonable arguments as to why it
    remains illegal in so many places (and a ton of benefits if it’s legal –
    for both individuals & institutions (more tax$, less $ on prisons/trials)).
    If we don’t want weed we might as well go back to prohibiting
    alcohol….yea, let’s see how well that works ;)

  3. Danmandingo says:

    *It must be like…*

    *Having the HAPPIEST moment in your life, inside of the palm of your hand.*


  4. squireca says:

    what ever happened to good ol’ rolling papers? why does everyone think they
    need some high tech device to smoke their weed?…….

  5. Knicks27 says:

    I think people should legalize their freedom not 21 either im saying 18 its
    a choice not russian roulette

  6. Thierry Lebeau says:

    I just wish that for people with chronic medical conditions, that you don’t
    have to re-up your medical marijuana card each year.

  7. blueboyblue says:

    It is clear that the Medically Available Pot is a joke. So, just make it
    legal for recreational use. Also open wide the doors for pharmaceutical
    companies to research this stuff. If they can make available drugs from it,
    more power to them. But, equally make sure the drug companies are not
    interfering with recreational marijuana, trying to suppress it as a drug.

  8. DandyDon says:

    What It’s Like To Get Your Weed License

    Dave Rubin and Grad sit down at Roseanne’s kitchen table to discuss their
    experiences obtaining a medical marijuana card in California.

  9. Mayhemm007 says:

    Other than big tobacco, I think the biggest opposition to legal weed comes
    from religion. They like to believe they have a lock on altered states of
    consciousness and don’t want people achieving it without their say-so. Of
    course that’s not how they present it to the public; they claim it’s
    immoral or a gateway to hard drugs or other fear-mongering bullshit.

  10. Joel Hamby says:

    Grad is replacing Alison Rosen on the Adam Carolla show. As long as she
    doesn’t preface every thought with “I feel like…”, I’m sure she’ll do

  11. Joel Hamby says:

    This topic is sooo January 5th, 2015.

  12. srgwarcock says:

    I’m picking up in 20 minutes!

  13. Smax Lab says:

    This is how I feel about it… I don’t smoke weed,but for people who do:
    isn’t part of the fun the fact that it’s illegal? An example of what I mean
    is that when I was 17, 18, 19, and 20 drinking beer was awesome to me. I
    had a lot of fun drinking because part of the experience was the rush of
    being “bad” and the risk of getting in trouble. But when I turned 21 and
    could just walk up to a bar and order a drink like nothing… it didn’t
    seem as cool anymore. Is it not the same with weed? 

  14. DCWhatthe says:

    Absolutely medically and recreationally, define it out of the realm of
    illegality. Continuing the War on Drugs, has been one of American
    history’s worst mistakes. And they’ve made some horrid ones.

    Thanks, Dave and Gina.

    Nice colors btw, Gina; not only yourself, but even the green plant,
    contrasting with the orange cup. Well placed, also.
