UG 91 New Stuff

December 22, 2013
Лечебная трава из Узистана! Чумовое видео!
December 22, 2013

UG 91 New StuffWe take a look at a Bubble Box from Then we look at a charcoal lined smell proof bag, G8 LED Light, and Remo’s Kush from . UG Marketpla…


  1. Court Mojo says:

    need some help testing??? im local

  2. MultiSupporter says:

    whats the genetics in this remos kush?

  3. goldstrik3 says:

    ewan dobson nice from canada 😀 peace from portugal you rock ;D

  4. urbanremo says:

    Customize your message

  5. Juice Man says:

    Looks like your site hosting computer will need more RAM. Also I was
    already signed up on UGmarketplace but you’ve changed your url so now you
    have to send me some seeds to test. Thanks Remo !

  6. Donovan McDabb says:

    Ewan Dobson- Time 2 

  7. Dakind brew says:

    I bet it’s pink kush X remo’s fav bubba cut!! Canadian cannonz!

  8. Damien Nicholas says:

    Hey remo, how do i get those smell proof bags? They’re not on your site

  9. godmadechronic says:

    Super charged joints

  10. Dankcity420 says:

    supercharge! nice vid remo!

  11. Todd Blas says:

    Can you please make a video on UV-C and how you are using it to control
    mites and mildew, thanks.

  12. 5erbmwmarc says:

    Hy your the Mann Remo- got your Remo Kush Strain also supersharget spliffs
    Awesome Dude Puffing Clouds……………………………………..

  13. Pedro Bertolucci says:

    Dude u smoke whole trees and dont get super high, u must have brain tissue

  14. David wholeness says:

    buckethead merry spliffmass! 

  15. TexasSmoking says:

    You aint gunna smell shit. Im sold. 

  16. Luke Sebastian says:

    Hey Remo, The glasses look diff to usual. Are they new ?

  17. Jesse Chilipowder says:

    Ive heard your no longer using advanced nutrients anymore Remo. What are
    you using now? 

  18. BigDH28 says:

    AWESOME! 🙂 REMO’S KUSH! Super cool! :)

  19. Jay Michaud says:

    Hey Remo, quick question. How long did you have the Bubble Box prior to
    showing us on video. That’s a nice amount of crystals, and I was wondering
    how long it would take to gather as much as you have on your screens.
    Thanks, a Proud Canadian.

  20. mannitherucus says:

    i would love to grow my own medicine…where i live, its not possible
    tho…no space, no money, no job…basically all bad… sucks

  21. marco polo says:

    im loving that bubble box!!

  22. Janson Godsoldier says:

    Thats the same one Scarface Had but with coke in it:)

  23. ThatChaff says:

    that bubblebox is a must have!

  24. FallenGearsGaming says:

    Song name ?

  25. KushPharm says:

    Whoa!!!…Remo’s Kush…Awesome.
    Let me guess…there’s Bubba in it.
    My grows are coming up. I’m new and need subbers

  26. GRYProductions says:

    Look at the doob at 1:54, even Remo makes mistakes. hes still a boss though

  27. grandaddynative says:

    getting fat

  28. Red Lion says:

    Whats the genetics in Remos Kush?

  29. Vickust says:

    What are the genetics on the remo kush?? Or is it a huge secret perhaps
    since you didn’t mention it

  30. toguhx says:

    Remos Kush? now you are ballin
