The Trim Bin

La Marihuana: Un Mal Físico y Psicológicamente Adictivo
September 14, 2013
Pro Marijuana Grow Tent? Or Custom Closet Grow Box?
September 14, 2013

The Trim Bin


  1. MrPercythrower says:

    depends how much it is .its a good product as i always get keg cramps and severe bavk and leg pain when doing last comment was uk toilet humour .peace jason

  2. Felix Sheldon says:

    Love the screen in it.

  3. Blunteeezy says:

    what the fuck kinda mic is that? sounds awful

  4. rober schuler says:

    plus you wont feel bad cutting holes in it for the strap that is needed on this product.

  5. nothingbutsneakheat says:

    I’ve been using these for a few years now….I love them, save my back from getting sore and the “pollen” is second to none!!!

  6. MrPercythrower says:

    my cat might do.a shit in it as it resembles his box

  7. qwerty42 says:

    Badass Intro, one of the best on youtube. This product is easily one of the best in the game, well designed and clever. The extra resin catch makes it a must have. Check out your audio on this video, its muffled and only coming out of the left channel.

  8. Lone WeedMan says:

    AWESOME! Suggestion… You need an adjustable shoulder or neck strap for people who can’t lay it on their lap, and so it doesn’t slide off fwd if peeople’s laps arent level.

  9. rober schuler says:

    its cool but its not like you cant MAKE something YOURSELF that would work just as good … but without the kief screen. id buy it if it was 20 bucks. it isn’t worth much more than that. 60 is too much, it seems like more than half of the shit in the horticultural industry is a ripoff. light bulbs and grow medium are the biggest culprits. Im a diy guy all the way!!!! grab an old bus tub from a closed down bistro or something, wash it, cut some arm holes or cutouts in it and your done. saved 60$
