The illegal drug market is immensely profitable. ‘Information Is Beautiful’ has created a graphic showing just how valuable illegal drugs are compared to other crops – take a look at the…
I wonder where they get the idea of a gateway drug? For me marijuana was a
gateway drug in the sense that I went to my dealer once, and he was all out
of pot, and asked me if I wanted to buy some coke instead, so I did. I
imagine if people when to the local liquor store, and the salesman said
“sorry all out of booze, want to buy some coke instead?”. people would. If
circumstances like that cause marijuana to be labeled a gateway drug then
the solution is to make it legal, and easily accessible.
Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine are the only 3 psychoactive substances that
have ever been legal? For most of history, cannabis and opium were legal.
Cocaine was legal when it was first discovered. GHB used to be sold at GNC
as a dietary supplement.
Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking,
but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,
don’t say anything about smoking/vaporizing cannabis.
Genesis 1:29 New International Version
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the
whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be
yours for food.
Im in favour of freedom. If you want to take heroin as an informed adult,
you should be able to. In fact, the scientific data suggests that alcohol
is more harmful than *any* other drug including heroin – not neccessarily
to you personaly, thats true, just than most other drugs to you personaly,
but on a societal level it is. Drunk driving, violence under the influence
of alcohol and the like. If you take this into account combined with
bodily harm to yourself and addictive properties, then alcohol is the most
harmful substance. And in my book, the damage to third parties should be
more important than the harm to yourself anyways. You want to shoot
yourself in the head? Hey thats your choice. You dont need to suffer from
some deadly disease either. You want to be run over by a car? No, you are
endangering other people in the process.
I have watched a few vids with this line up on the panel. The stunning
women to the right is great to watch she’s smart and open minded. But the
women in the center. I don’t get it? Who is she?
I’m sure that the high value per square km has something to do with the
fact that a not-insignificantly more modern growing methods.
Tomatos are also grown in more modern ways.
The food industry’s been extremely slow in adopting new technologies, it’s
a big reason that food shortages are increasing as our population does
unlike the supply of electronics.
this is pulled directly from a source so not my words but deaths from
marijuana not as rare as portrayed in this episode though yes they are
pretty rare
Statistically, death directly from marijuana overdose is extremely rare.
The CDC reports that between 1999 and 2007, there were 26 deaths with
marijuana as an underlying cause, in the United States. This was out of a
counted population of 2,615,523,905. When it comes to smoking, most
statistics say it will take about 800 joints in a short period of time to
actually overdose a person to the point of death. A person should be
vomiting or passed out well before this point. When used long term, the
smoke itself does contain chemicals that can eventually cause respiratory
issues, such as COPD or cancer.
Secondary from overdose, the CDC and the National Highway Traffic
Administration have shown that in the 1990’s, nearly 20% of drivers killed
in traffic incidents had narcotics in their system. During autopsy, the
most common drug present was marijuana. This was followed by cocaine,
benzodiazepines, and amphetamines. In the 2000s, the number appears to be
closer to 25%.
The difference is you can take marijuana basically straight off the bush.
Coca and Opium need a lot of processing before they become cocaine and
Oh look it’s the panel of sexists that only wants equal benefits for women
but not equal responsibility or consequences.
i’m positive that alcohol is a bigger gateway drug than mary jane.
I wonder where they get the idea of a gateway drug? For me marijuana was a
gateway drug in the sense that I went to my dealer once, and he was all out
of pot, and asked me if I wanted to buy some coke instead, so I did. I
imagine if people when to the local liquor store, and the salesman said
“sorry all out of booze, want to buy some coke instead?”. people would. If
circumstances like that cause marijuana to be labeled a gateway drug then
the solution is to make it legal, and easily accessible.
weed is a gateway to munchies
check out the stoners cookbook. I really want to do more with it.
Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine are the only 3 psychoactive substances that
have ever been legal? For most of history, cannabis and opium were legal.
Cocaine was legal when it was first discovered. GHB used to be sold at GNC
as a dietary supplement.
Interesting topics, boring panel! I wish Dave would have chosen better
Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking,
but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,
don’t say anything about smoking/vaporizing cannabis.
Genesis 1:29 New International Version
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the
whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be
yours for food.
Im in favour of freedom. If you want to take heroin as an informed adult,
you should be able to. In fact, the scientific data suggests that alcohol
is more harmful than *any* other drug including heroin – not neccessarily
to you personaly, thats true, just than most other drugs to you personaly,
but on a societal level it is. Drunk driving, violence under the influence
of alcohol and the like. If you take this into account combined with
bodily harm to yourself and addictive properties, then alcohol is the most
harmful substance. And in my book, the damage to third parties should be
more important than the harm to yourself anyways. You want to shoot
yourself in the head? Hey thats your choice. You dont need to suffer from
some deadly disease either. You want to be run over by a car? No, you are
endangering other people in the process.
I don’t agree with the one lady that drugs should be illegal based on how
addictive they are. lolol
I have watched a few vids with this line up on the panel. The stunning
women to the right is great to watch she’s smart and open minded. But the
women in the center. I don’t get it? Who is she?
the reason why marijuana makes more money per square kilometer is due to
yield, not due to low demand on opium or coke.
I’m sure that the high value per square km has something to do with the
fact that a not-insignificantly more modern growing methods.
Tomatos are also grown in more modern ways.
The food industry’s been extremely slow in adopting new technologies, it’s
a big reason that food shortages are increasing as our population does
unlike the supply of electronics.
this is pulled directly from a source so not my words but deaths from
marijuana not as rare as portrayed in this episode though yes they are
pretty rare
Statistically, death directly from marijuana overdose is extremely rare.
The CDC reports that between 1999 and 2007, there were 26 deaths with
marijuana as an underlying cause, in the United States. This was out of a
counted population of 2,615,523,905. When it comes to smoking, most
statistics say it will take about 800 joints in a short period of time to
actually overdose a person to the point of death. A person should be
vomiting or passed out well before this point. When used long term, the
smoke itself does contain chemicals that can eventually cause respiratory
issues, such as COPD or cancer.
Secondary from overdose, the CDC and the National Highway Traffic
Administration have shown that in the 1990’s, nearly 20% of drivers killed
in traffic incidents had narcotics in their system. During autopsy, the
most common drug present was marijuana. This was followed by cocaine,
benzodiazepines, and amphetamines. In the 2000s, the number appears to be
closer to 25%.
The difference is you can take marijuana basically straight off the bush.
Coca and Opium need a lot of processing before they become cocaine and