The “High” Judge

The Worlds Biggest Blunt – 1 Pound Joint
September 17, 2012
Drug cartels Grow a Marijuana Cash Crop on public land
September 17, 2012

The Judge James H. Allamong Jr., a substitute judge in Virginia, was sentenced to thirty days in jail after being caught growing marijuana. The judge claimed he needed to grow 41 plants for personal use. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks discuss this story. Should marijuana be legalized, tell us what you think in the comment section below. Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.


  1. YaMoonSun says:

    It’s more than I would be willing to do, lol

  2. phoboskitty says:

    lots of science to back up pot as a cancer cure specifically the Cannabinoids THC,CBC,CRB and a few others, look it up, the earliest studies date back to 1974, its not Voodoo just because you say it is… you should do some reading and by that i mean not read the DEA’s website

  3. CSHallo says:

    Better title… The High Court

  4. XerxesTriple6 says:

    Imagine if Judge Judy smoked weed…

  5. WeAreAllAroundGaming says:

    I thought I was going to get top comment because I noticed it was 4:20 long but somebody beat me to it.

  6. TheGothicAtheist says:


  7. froggymicwop says:

    i think it would do her some good.

  8. Mikemaladar says:

    As long as the Judge never convicted anyone for weed, he is an American hero

  9. halawaboi96701 says:

    Cenk and that win comment at 0:07 priceless. lol

  10. FreakOnTheLeaf says:

    me no understand, explain. :)

  11. GPNYishai says:

    0:53 epic laugh

  12. hayder88 says:

    why is 4.20 mins a good or funny length for a video?

  13. Sperminator10000 says:

    When stories mention plant number, they become meaningless. Plants can be 2 inches tall or 10 feet tall. When you want to find out how much actual smokeable weed is produced. The number of grow lights and wattage are what matters.

  14. LikethePrinter says:

    I saw what you did there


    WOW like 30 days for all that weed, i wonder how much jail time a normal guy on the street wouldve got?

  16. evelfresh says:

    im certain they did.

  17. VidsEpic says:

    I just Googled it, it is some sort of code name for marijuana

  18. coltsrule5150 says:

    i would rather hang out with stoners, than a bunch of drunks any day
    drunk are annoying as FUCK, stoners are funny as FUCK

  19. ChelseaFC475 says:

    Subtitute judge gets 30 days for 40 plants!!! Dafuq????

  20. cjbos81 says:

    We need more “Hang ’em high” judges.

    And less “high” ones.

  21. 0ndey says:

    You’ve been brainwashed by big cannabis, hippie.

  22. Zentz29 says:


  23. OGShively says:

    As a native Virginian (not to be confused with virgin), I fully respect this judge, and am entirely confident that all 41 plants were, in fact, for personal use.

    Not shit else to do in this state..

  24. phoboskitty says:

    that’s exactly what it means… why do you think there is violence in the first place?

  25. KingWithoutaCause says:

    Not true. I’m for legalizing weed but that doesn’t mean all the violence will stop.

  26. jasondesante says:

    41 plants for personal use is reasonable

  27. KingWithoutaCause says:

    For a lot of reasons. More reasons than most people could think of. I want weed legalize but that doesn’t mean I’m going to pull statements out of my ass and claim them to be true.

  28. TheGothicAtheist says:

    Pot wasn’t the cause of his cancer, nor is it the cause of any cancer, although it can be used to treat some forms of cancer, and no it isn’t vodoo medicine, like you suggested earlier.

  29. EvilFingers says:

    Now thats a Cool Judge!

  30. MrG0TH1ER says:

    UPS teachers? WTF america?

  31. coltsrule5150 says:

    yeah, the violence will stop
    if you legalize all drugs, drug dealers go out of buisness
    if i could get my drugs at a local store that sells it legally, you think i would rather go to some scrub on the street, and chance getting robbed or worse?

  32. combatLaCarie says:

    I felt terrible for my substitute teachers

  33. BeastalityFatality says:

    she does

  34. TheDarxide23 says:

    I had a high school sub who was essentially a janitor for the school who was in Vietnam and wasn’t quite right in the head. He called every student “bird-dog” and would fall asleep in class all the time. When he wasn’t sleeping you couldn’t ask him any questions because it seemed to confuse him and he would get this far away look on his face and just stare without saying anything. He was awesome.

  35. Timefliesbye says:

    30 days??? You didn’t misread years right?

    They incarcerate you for fucking life. They might as well. A sentence of 10 years screws the rest of your future.

    But no. Judge gets caught growing MJ several times the amount they arrest people for…. 30 days.

    Fuck you corrupt justice system. Fuck you with an iron barbed wired rod.

  36. psyk0munkee says:

    clip is 4:20 long, good editing guys XD

  37. phoboskitty says:

    41 plants is not a big deal its not a lot of plants at all its certainly not a “grow op”

  38. shtzweak says:

    I’d love if Anna was a sub back when I was in school

  39. HRH787 says:

    4:20 (april 20th) is national smoke weed day

  40. 0ndey says:

    You sound exactly like that one China man I debated once. Again: It is like homeopathy. It’s voodoo. Clear enough?

  41. swedishfish2 says:

    time of video…4 20 hahahaha

  42. templar19 says:

    “High Court” would make an awesome show! All the episodes would be 4:20 long.

  43. TheNeoronin says:

    Young turks give a bad name to weed. maybe you should quit smoking before you broadcast because you always come off as a total ass. your points are ok sometimes but even when they’re good you presents them like such idiots who the fuck would care. You’re a joke.

  44. coltsrule5150 says:

    and you’re right, it does happen to all of us lol
    i tried to warn you tho
    but marijuana is a harmless drug, research it more and you will find out for yourself
    if you choose not to smoke it, that’s fine, just don’t go around spreading nonsense about it is all i ask, because it is harmless
    i’m 37 years old, and sadly i have tried almost every drug type there is, pot, pills, coke, LSD never tried heroin, fuck that shit
    but of all the things i have tried, marijuana is NOTHING

  45. bclinton4king says:

    Ana’s tits …oh God Ana’s tits

  46. biggydx says:

    Im going to that judge whenever possible. Get my sentence reduced significantly.

  47. Shane Bell says:

    but most of it would be gone. like a germ killing solution killing 99% of the germs.

  48. beefyone100 says:

    Way to many plants. Two per person of a hearty breed is all you need.

  49. sryen7 says:

    Yes legalize

  50. Atomsk648 says:

    The Young Turks video on Marijuana judge…makes video 4:20 long. Well played, Turks, well played.
