The Great Culling of the Males & Krispy Ka Ka

I Grow Chronic! Cannabis Hydro Cultivation (Full Tutorial)
January 5, 2014
Lil update of my progress.. Clones and vegging plants..
January 6, 2014

The Great Culling of the Males & Krispy Ka KaWelcome to Season 3! New Products, New Strains & More! OverGrowSociety merchandise available NOW!!! LED lights & Grow Tent: D…


  1. Bobby Sauer says:

    @grow420guide move your lights closer =[ they look like their stretching

  2. endlesssk8er says:


  3. Dustin Nastally says:

    glad to see a few new videos, thanks man! please keep them coming!

  4. Mentuhotep Ra says:

    Your plants look very stretched… Do you think the lighting is adequate?

  5. yewboi123 says:

    yo g420g i got a quistion for you or anyone that could help someone knocked
    over my pot with my northern lights growing outdoors i replanted it and it
    has recovered nicely theres is just one branch that lost a bit off the top
    and its just stopped growing the oppisite branch on the other side doing
    fine and has pistils and going well like the 2 main tops should i cut it
    off or just leave it please HELP??!

  6. verceti23 says:


  7. matt yung says:

    Cant private message you damn….anyway where can i find auto seeds in so

  8. fresno246 says:

    Lmmfao the intro 

  9. duckyduck1980 says:

    You said you would start posting more vids after New Years keep your word.
    Love your vids

  10. Justin Lopez says:

    Make a video about the cloning and what nutrients do you use?

  11. Phil johnson says:

    Stoked as shit to finally see a socal white lighting:) congrats bro!

  12. beastman93 says:

    Haha that intro xD

  13. ruben89pr says:

    lol the start cracked me up

  14. Rick Stonebridge says:

    Lol best start to a vid ever 😀

  15. yolo Last says:

    Take it, you don’t use fem seeds????
