June 12, 2014
Inline Max 6″ Fan Dismounted and Running Supplemental Lights
June 12, 2014

TERMS AND CONDITIONS...all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. Joel Kimball says:

    how am i trolling? just sharing in the convo. maybe i am not as jaded? yet
    have an understanding of some things, just sharring

  2. Joel Kimball says:

    black hole? or dark matter?

  3. Joel Kimball says:

    if its incorrect and you tell me, i might be willing to correct it? so
    where do you stand? in just pointing?

  4. UpInSmokeeee says:

    i watch it everynite funny show haha

  5. Joel Kimball says:

    then introduce sound, and walla it begins to vibrate and generate energy,
    and matter becomes visable is how i understand it, Bible or Science, both
    say same thing its kinda crazy, native americanseven

  6. Ras Tafari says:

    Sound is a vibration and matter is visible because light reflects off it

  7. Daniel Orozco says:

    wats up trendy how are you brother?

  8. Joel Kimball says:

    ive seen the Science in native cerimonys? the Bible just layed out a
    condensed version in some areas, and Science backed up what i saw.

  9. Hoss IVXX says:

    hay nay are those construction worker trendy or are they wondering whats
    going on lol

  10. K2GlassART says:

    a simple answer would have been IT JUST DOES!

  11. Ras Tafari says:

    saying the bible is science is like saying Water is Fire

  12. Doomchaser1 says:

    We the big compared to God

  13. Ras Tafari says:

    Joe is trolling like its deadliest catch

  14. Ras Tafari says:

    Just seemed that way because of the misinformation Joel. my bad dude

  15. canadiansk8 says:

    catch you later nay

  16. 234cheech says:

    space is timless and endless

  17. Joel Kimball says:

    check out Mandlebrotset, intresting picture of how the universe is built

  18. 234cheech says:

    its all to do with the gases

  19. Ras Tafari says:

    Space facts are always crazy

  20. Joel Kimball says:

    dark matter vibrates at such a low level, below light spectrums, scientists
    have found it to be hydrogen moveing very very slowly.

  21. Joel Kimball says:

    sorry bout pissing you off yesterday nay, this is Quantum, nsa or whomever
    likes me using my real name i suppose

  22. fallingdownandshit says:

    Hey, Trendys! What’s up, Nay?

  23. UpInSmokeeee says:

    damn im im in the zone 2 dabs .5 each now jus pufin some haze flowers

  24. 234cheech says:


  25. Joel Kimball says:

    to be honest, i dont know what these preists yammer about half the time,
    yet correcting them is a headache and a half.

  26. Joel Kimball says:

    world thinking,

  27. Joel Kimball says:

    what missinformation? Ras Tafari.

  28. Doomchaser1 says:

    When god is done with this universe, he will rule it up like a
    carpet…..How did they know it is flat? Like we learn it is in the last 20
    years or so. Another hidden peace of science in the bible

  29. 234cheech says:

    the bilble was wrote 500 years ago not 5000 years ago

  30. Joel Kimball says:

    energy needs matter and sound to be produced, so which is eternal and which
    is dependant

  31. Doug Sutherland says:

    can you give us a quick run down on the big bang theory haha

  32. Doomchaser1 says:

    The big slow down after 80 billion years

  33. WhaleofDreams says:

    can please stop talking about science and God and energy?

  34. Doug Sutherland says:

    I love the explanation hahaha

  35. Hoss IVXX says:


  36. Doomchaser1 says:

    Ras God is science to me. And The bible is science 101 if you look deep

  37. 234cheech says:

    thares a black hole in the center

  38. Ras Tafari says:

    Why dont need to fly to the moon Mr president, it just does

  39. 234cheech says:

    its mind boggling

  40. 234cheech says:

    thares dark matter everyware thats the suff ya can c

  41. Doomchaser1 says:

    What if everything gets smaller…living things on our skin.. But also
    everything can get bigger. We the bug living off skin

  42. Joel Kimball says:

    the spring of life? low – vibratory hydrogen molecules come from, Where?

  43. Joel Kimball says:

    Sound and Water, then comes Light

  44. Ras Tafari says:

    You trippin’

  45. WhaleofDreams says:

    on this episode of Astronomy With Nay…

  46. Joel Kimball says:

    one intrsting possible lie, energy is a constant?

  47. Hoss IVXX says:

    back,lol changed my pic to sometin mor me

  48. 234cheech says:

    that would take a catasropic event

  49. Doomchaser1 says:

    everything acted like a brain….moving so fast there could not make
    photons,,, until a sound was heard

  50. 234cheech says:

