Super Bowl, Setting Goals, Unboxing Method 7 Glasses

Jesse Ventura: Legalize Pot Stop The CIAs Drug Dealing
February 3, 2014
Blue Mystic Auto Day 28F
February 3, 2014

Super Bowl, Setting Goals, Unboxing Method 7 GlassesWelcome to Season 3! New Products, New Strains & More! OverGrowSociety merchandise available NOW!!! LED lights & Grow Tent: D…


  1. SantiagoSernaKO says:

    Make a LSP autoflower edition 

  2. Justin Espinoza says:

    Hey man, have you thought of doing another LSP?

  3. tinktwiceman says:

    Great video and great topics. I’ve been in similar situations so I
    definitely can relate. Keep it up. I enjoy your channel a ton. I also enjoy
    these long videos. 

  4. jasper wouters says:

    i got one goal for you get a equipment upgrade keep up the great work love
    wathing you 

  5. Billy Pippin says:

    I’m so high 

  6. BuddhaBriGuy says:

    Lol man I was just hoping you uploaded a new video. What good timing!

  7. Jason Scholtz says:

    Another LSP!

  8. SourBogBubble says:

    Thanks for sharing man

  9. Greg Makoski says:

    NICE vid broo

  10. Don Will says:

    Dude where’d you get the eye spoon from that you used at the beginning of
    the vid. I want one.

  11. Requestcykor says:

    Y u no Picture on ur profile ?

  12. big junior says:

    Thanks bro

  13. tazydevil93 says:

    my brother.. try spend more time smoking outside u may be getting extra
    stressed from a lack of vitamin d from the sun.. your skin looks a bit pale
    for your persona.. i think its important to be outside whenever I can be..
    even the wind blowing through the trees will take away the anxiety u may be
    locking within.. please watch zaylocs videos he is one with the earth and
    has a lot of deep true important information that I think you would
    apreciate.. I’m just like u.. I understand your energy I hope you take my
    advice because we should not let stress defeat us we need to overstand it..
    I suggest get another tent.. it depends on Wat u want to do just find and
    persue your passion fully its not healthy what your doing watever it is and
    I can see the toll its taking on u.. show no fear but be humble peace

  14. andyfibb says:

    im willing to bet its just america – lol

  15. Jipsē Glass says:

    Fuck yeah ! Cheers brudda !

  16. says:

    Hit me up bro lets get the over grow society in my shop

  17. Billy Pippin says:

    More video don’t be slow about it pls more about plants ….the slug with
    beer thing you showed I’m going to use it this yr ..Tennessee baby 

  18. SantiagoSernaKO says:

    LSP was epic 

  19. tazydevil93 says:

    my brother.. try spend more time smoking outside u may be getting extra
    stressed from a lack of vitamin d from the sun.. your skin looks a bit pale
    for your persona.. i think its important to be outside whenever I can be..
    even the wind blowing through the trees will take away the anxiety u may be
    locking within.. please watch zaylocs videos he is one with the earth and
    has a lot of deep true important information that I think you would
    apreciate.. I’m just like u.. I understand your energy I hope you take my
    advice because we should not let stress defeat us we need to overstand it..
    I suggest get another tent.. it depends on Wat u want to do just find and
    persue your passion fully its not healthy what your doing watever it is and
    I can see the toll its taking on u.. show no fear but be humble peace

  20. INUB4everything says:

    god dam! that took along time

  21. Diana Delos Santos says:

    Lol the title on my list was “super bowl, setting goals, unboxing Meth” I
    was like unboxing Meth? X)

  22. John Sellers says:

    You called it bro! Only one (1) Score by the Denver Offense. Good Job Bro!

  23. mike dunn says:


  24. 123jmbjmb says:

    waited a week for your new vid for 30 minutes of bs and didn’t even get to
    see the plants. idk why I kepp watching them your old vids were way better

  25. kidcuddles420 says:

    Good outro, Messin’ it up like the old days. Chin up mate, protect those
    lenses. We’ve waited awhile for those. 

  26. Jacob Mortimore says:

    Yo man ur bard glass colab vid isnt avalable on my phone in the uk?

  27. BIutwurst1 says:

    I’m from germany and I watched the superbowl. I had no clue what was going
    on lol. All I knew is that the broncos sucked haha

  28. kidcuddles420 says:

    Dude, you should stick to teaching. I learned most of what I know about
    plants from you. You’re an excellent communicator. It’s a gift. The
    trick is to find out what to teach. You love plants and growing? Keep
    doing that. Change of heart? Change the course, but I think teaching
    might be at the core. Hope that helps. Thanks for the knowledge.

  29. Josselyne Rodriguez-Soto says:

    Can You Make Of Video Of How You Clean Your Bongs And Pipes? (: Including
    the bowls. Thanks ^.^

  30. Natural Skull says:


    fattass superbowl and cheers and peace from the swiss hills

  31. Nathan Karhu says:

    1st :)

  32. Omar Navarro says:

    I’ve been waiting for a video update!!!! Thanks grow 420 guy for your
    channel!! Awesome video btw like always (: 

  33. TheRyaniscoolio says:

    bro… all you need is another LSP and youll get more viewers/subs!!! but
    name it something else (damn you disney) but seriously, everyone loved the
    LSP! it was different, and it was FUN!!just do it man…we loved it!

  34. Ddot Clark says:

    That superbowl score though

  35. Jacob Mortimore says:

    Sweet bard pipe bro should of put some wax on the superbowl tho 😉 check
    tokins superbowl

  36. Daves GrowGuide says:

    Got myself a vape pen well a E-pen quit smoking tobacco now for over 3
    weeks 🙂 going to get a budder ball for it and make some oil 🙂 All the
    best yer OG Dave 

  37. Aaron C says:

    Dude You are one of my faves on youtube. I look for your videos everyday
    man, for real. I wish i had the balls to make videos like you. keep up the
    good fight man and thanks for always being REAL and not fucking always
    beating around the bush like other you tubers. one love and Respect brotha

  38. Anthony Valencia says:

    More videos man what’s going on man
