Sheldon Black Bent Neck 17″ Forte Unboxing
October 13, 2013
600w closet grow tent stealth setup with phantom, ushio, can max fan.
October 13, 2013

STRAIN REVIEW: PINEAPPLE WRECK! for live chat with nay all day! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests coming to face boo…


  1. rogueraiser says:

    58:15 best continuous rings ive ever seen

  2. Shayna Lynn says:

    Damn! Rippers in cali and they can grow their own, legally????? Man, that shit just don’t register in my brain. SMH that’s fuckin lame 🙁

  3. Blaza Noobie says:

    you have a nice mic there, but the sound is SHIT.

  4. grandaddynative says:

    my thumbs up in there for yuh buddy. 🙂 cheers Nay

  5. Shayna Lynn says:

    I’m pretty new, only subbed about two months ago, but I dig your style. Wild and crazy, but mellow and cool at the same time 😛

  6. themiike11 says:

    Id love to smoke some of that pineapple wreck right now

  7. grandaddynative says:

    hi nay. late again? oh well , maybe next time. …I got some head band full melt. Cheers TRENDY’S

  8. Josh Spicer says:

    nay just to let you know the video pre recorded on youtube is is never higher than 360p at any given time

  9. Shayna Lynn says:

    Dang # 1 😛

  10. themiike11 says:

    trainwreck always smells great but with almost no taste and thin body very energetic high and end with a nice body great strain cheers
