Spend your 7:10 with Trendy Nay!

Primeiro Cultivo (2 semanas de Vida)
June 11, 2014
LMPD: Lou. man arrested for growing marijuana inside home
June 11, 2014

Spend your 7:10 with Trendy Nay!all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. Doomchaser1 says:

    I grow my limit still we all breaking federal law.. Not sure but if they
    over take over…We all can be tossed into a fema camp

  2. rayc1962 says:

    Bravo Nay!

  3. ziggieization says:

    no need for helicopters anymore the have drones everywhere and amazon in
    the near future will be using drones to do shipments

  4. adam kilo says:

    hell ya buffalo

  5. hippiechick9554 says:


  6. WhaleofDreams says:

    hey, nay, what s the scariest thing thats ever happened to you?

  7. Buffalo Cheese Burg says:

    I agree ziggie

  8. hippiechick9554 says:

    scribin y’all

  9. Trendy Sean says:


  10. ziggieization says:

    Holy Flipping Pancakes we are Back on

  11. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    stupid youtube

  12. ziggieization says:

    technical difficulties over here

  13. Buffalo Cheese Burg says:

    I’m picturing having something I order over amazon deliver me something

  14. ziggieization says:

    wtf youtube this is BS

  15. Doug Sutherland says:

    your yawning time for another dab

  16. adam kilo says:


  17. Buffalo Cheese Burg says:

    uh oh technical difficulties? anyone else getting that?

  18. WhaleofDreams says:

    Nay! i thought i’d lost you!

  19. adam kilo says:

    ROCK ON NAY!!! \m/

  20. Joel R says:

    feed down

  21. Doug Sutherland says:

    your yawning time for another dab

  22. MrSageezy says:

    sup trendys

  23. Trendy Sean says:

    great stuff here ldies and gentlemen i hope you arent taking this for

  24. Trendy Sean says:

    nay is soothing the rest of my evening into his guitar

  25. Joel R says:

    good yes song

  26. Debbie Morris says:

    i mean cl0ser t0 h0me my h0me s0rry

  27. grapeapevine says:

    utube is fucking on you

  28. Buffalo Cheese Burg says:

    I’m guessing it would be the home invasion Whale

  29. Steve Smith says:

    OG honeycomb got me faded

  30. Buffalo Cheese Burg says:

    Monsanto probably did it

  31. adam kilo says:

    ur a kickass guitar player nay

  32. ziggieization says:

    not live

  33. rayc1962 says:

    American rights protect Americans from unreasonable search. You just have
    to insist on it.

  34. Buffalo Cheese Burg says:

    The laws are outdated conservative ignorance and need to be updated

  35. Joel R says:


  36. Doug Sutherland says:

    learn smoke two joints by sublime haha

  37. ziggieization says:

    You have to do another cooking with Nay

  38. Joel's Quantum Heart Logic says:

    great music in background while im over at Green Dragon Chats by the way
    nay, makes it easier considering the subject matter, same sorta stuff ya
    reminded me of?

  39. MrSageezy says:

    every one over to trendydabberschat

  40. Debbie Morris says:

    im y0ur captain i think is the real s0ng title nay

  41. Debbie Morris says:

    hi nay someday if u w0uld play im your captian by grand funk i just love
    that s0ng nay

  42. WhaleofDreams says:

    tech difficulties

  43. Buffalo Cheese Burg says:

    They should save raids for meth heads not over a plant that calms ppl down
    and has countless healing properties

  44. ziggieization says:

    brb CHEERS to All

  45. Debbie Morris says:

    chit i cant type i m getting cl0ser t0 h0me…

  46. ziggieization says:

    youtube is slipping and they have to step there game up fix this Tech Diff
    smh.. would also be cool if we would be able to post links an pictures in
    the message box

  47. Doomchaser1 says:

    I am seeing helicopters a lot lately fly over…Maybe they listing us all
    for 1 giant raid ..When the feds move in

  48. Trendy Sean says:

    what song was that nay??????

  49. trendyasdabbers says:


  50. rayc1962 says:

    Prohibition of any drug is wrong. High times didn’t spell out the way out
    for users in Washington, did they?
