Smokealotjohnny’s Garden Update

Smokealotjohnny Garden Update
July 25, 2013
Chatroulette Music Improv Rant
July 25, 2013

Smokealotjohnny's Garden This is what I’m working with at this moment…pure essentials black label nutes…..the biggest is going into week two of v…


  1. MrEvolutiongonewrong says:

    On the up! Good to see you got some to work with! Little set back! But now you are on the up! 🙂

  2. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    yep i can practice what i have learned now….its all good!!! thanks for watching and your vote of confidence….

  3. B A JONES says:

    good to see ya still on the move brah good shit keep the updates coming man

  4. Kennabyss says:

    wow you really jumped that fresh start with some vigor. Way to rill with the punches. peace.

  5. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    yeah I do know what these girls in dirt will do….that bubbly water can be a little tricky…I can take these girls right to the limit and make em like it….

  6. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    i gotta laugh to keep from crying….its all good just a minor set back…taught me to be better prepared

  7. Cas-tle Grown says:

    Every tree started as a seed, we’ll get there man! Just keep in mind that they are young, they can only take so much in nutrients. I know ya know, but sometimes our zeal can have its drawbacks. Peace
