Smokealotjohnny Garden Update

Weekly update week 8
July 25, 2013
Smokealotjohnny’s Garden Update
July 25, 2013

Smokealotjohnny Garden UpdateThe oldest plant pu1 is 3 weeks in veg and the other 2 are in 2 weeks and the first week of veg. All under 400whps except the clones and a seedling under the…


  1. Mystjah says:

    looks awesome …great job …Laterz

  2. Kennabyss says:

    comin along nicely.

  3. B A JONES says:

    every thing lookn good keep em cum’n

  4. Cookie monstr says:

    very nice..

  5. earl dabbin says:

    Lookin good bro ! Lol …nice . Ogs boss … dan420 bro now . Bud smoker .

  6. dirtybongwater4678 says:

    thanks for the vid

  7. meghan00851 says:

    glad ur beach vaca was well enjoyed. nice to get hookd up with some clones. wish i knew where to get clones so i cud by pass that long n slow auto pilot stage of veg. that auto is looking great my man.good luck and happy growings

  8. brianj123458 says:

    Nice will be watching peace. Redline

  9. Weedguy007 says:

    Really lookin good bro I just did an update on my white widow auto
