Sensible BC

October 8, 2013
Unsolicited Advice: Legalizing Marijuana
October 8, 2013

Sensible BCWe talk with Craig Spears about the Sensible BC campaign that is on right now. If you haven’t signed it yet, then do so.. Together we can make cannabis not a…


  1. MawcDrums says:

    Remo, you are the man.

  2. Jah Rastafaraï says:

    At least some part of the world is going forward… Here, you can go to jail just doing this because according to our retarded laws this is kind of drug use advertising… #sickworld

  3. Mitchcantbike says:

    never knew u lived in maple ridge hahah reppin it hey remo!

  4. yatubeish says:

    Rolf Harris =)

  5. kgkgii ook says:

    Remo will you move to the states if you can’t grow in BC?

  6. Totte Nator says:

    nice. people outside of country cant sign?

  7. odyssseey says:

    hahaaa thought the thumbnail was rolf harris at first

  8. urbanremo says:


  9. heckler73 says:

    I signed… They were up at the University (smart… able to hit multiple ridings that way). And on day one, they already met their short term goal (100 sigs per day).
    So far, so good. Let’s hope the momentum keeps going. We know we have the numbers from statistical polling, so let’s get it into law now!
    The economic boost in BC from its legitimacy will be larger than the projections of Harpo’s “commercialization” attempt at the Federal level.
